Published Aug 18, 2018
rianne_w, BSN
40 Posts
Hello all,
I'm starting my nursing program in two weeks. Do you have any advice for me? If you could go back in time, what advice would you give yourself before you started your nursing school journey?
Rose_Queen, BSN, MSN, RN
6 Articles; 11,935 Posts
Rianne, if you click the Students tab in the yellow bar at the top (full website) or in the grey menu at the bottom (mobile website) you will find many forums dedicated to students. One of them is even all about study tips. I'm sure you'll find lots of useful info.
I know, just asking experienced nurses a question. Thanks.
17 Articles; 45,819 Posts
Hello rianne_w
We moved your thread to the General Student forum for the best response. Seasoned Nurses as well as Students will come along to reply.
Wlaurie, RN
170 Posts
Get a job as a CNA p.t. while in nursing school if you have no experience in healthcare.
Florida Sun RN
33 Posts
I would say run as fast as you can and dont look back. My experience in nursing has been horrible. I say instead of going for the big guns and getting an RN or LPN degree - start with something small like a CMA or RMA. These types of jobs are during normal business hours, and dont have you juggling your own patients, med pass, treatments and all the BS you have to deal with concerning lazy aids, backstabbing coworkers and bosses that show favoritism. Also there is no dealing with working the night shift or rotating day/nights and the traumatic effects it has on your system. There is also human resources and other degrees such as a physician assistant or radiology positions that are just as fulfilling.
1 Post
First off, you'll encounter people like the person above A LOT. Run from THEM! With that said, review your syllabus and try to get organized before classes start. Write down due dates in your planner. If I could go back, I'd definitely enjoy myself before each semester because reading ahead didn't work for me due to not having been to lecture and not knowing what to focus on. Study only what the professor goes over in class and anything else you need to review to understand the content.. that's how you get through those pages and pages of reading. You will do great!