Bergen Community Nursing Day 2014

U.S.A. New Jersey


Hello. Is anyone else in the process of trying to get into the Bergen Community College day program for 2014?

Just took my Hesi. Got a 94. Woohoo! How is everyone else doing?


How did you study? Any advice, taking it tomorrow :-(

I studied for 3 weeks. I borrowed my friends Hesi A2 Secrets. I also downloaded a Kindle version of the Elsevier book, and I had some ancient McGraw Hill Nursing Exam book. I think I would have received the same score without the books. Really. I over-studied. But, I also think it depends on your background. I have a BFA and a massage license, which doesn't help much, except that I am familiar with some topics and major exam-taking. I also took 30 credits last year to cover me in Micro, Chem, AP1, AP2, Statistics, and all the other non-nursing courses for the BCC curriculum (you don't have to take Statistics for BCC, but you will if you ever want to get a nursing masters) so everything was fresh.

I took the sections in the following order: Vocab, Bio, Chem, Grammar, Math, Reading Comp. The reason I did this is that I knew vocab would likely be easy. Since they show your score right away (yikes!), I wanted to move on with a high rather than be disappointed should I have taken something more difficult and bombed. Then I wanted to get the sciences out of the way because a) they're short and b) I didn't want to think about them any longer. Grammar was cake. Math took time because you have to punch out the calculations. I took reading comp last, and got my lowest score - a 90. I think I was just done with the test at that point and blew through it. Anyway, then they show your whole set-up of scores. Make sure you take the "personality profile" and "learning styles." Then you raise your hand. Some dude comes over and that's about it. I took 2 hrs and 5 min out of the 4 hrs, and I felt that I had plenty of time, so don't worry about that. Don't go crazy staring at the clock, unless you are a slow test-taker.

I'm sure they rotate the questions all the time, so take what I say with a grain of salt. The vocabulary and grammar were both extremely easy. The math was pretty easy as well. Just know very basic conversions, fractions, and ratios. I got a 92 on both bio and chem, which means I missed two questions each. The questions were odd. Most were very basic, and then out of no where there would be some strange question that you likely wouldn't know unless you were in some special advanced honors nuclear biochemistry blablabla made-up class. Still, I was able to handle most of the weird ones using basic logic. You can do it, too!

Quick tip: There is a calculator accessible at all times on the right side. I didn't see it when performing some (easy) chemistry equation. That would have helped a lot had I known.

Any other questions, feel free to ask! And good luck!

I got 89.67 :-(. I got 100 in Bio and 92 in Chemistry. I hope this gets me in. Do you know what the class average is?

Why the unhappy face? That's a great score. Look at the spring 2014 scores if you want to feel better:

If you log-in to your Elsevier account, click the Hesi Student Assessment icon, and then click the + sign to the left of your Admission Assessment Report. It will display each section of your test individually. If you click on each section you will see a recommended score as well as class and national average. You are well above average.

Thank you reisskj I was hoping for something in the 90s like you. Like 92 or 91. So I am keeping my fingers crossed. That is why I have the sad face :-(

hey how ru all?? well, I'm taking the test on the 9th and I'm very very nervous about it. Like what kind of questions and how hard is it? what basic or general stuff means for everyone? around how many applicants are there if u kinda know? I hope I can pass this test because I've waited for 1 1/2 yrs. Im already 26 yrs old and I dont want to wait anymore. Good luck to each one!!!


If you look back at what reisskj posted, I thought his/her posting was dead on and helped me focus more. The review book was very good for math and grammar, but you need outside resources for the biology and chemistry section. I looked through my chemistry and biology text books. The first few chapters. Hope that helps.

i have a question, BIOLOGY is going to be general or A&P1??? For those who already took the test.

lterrones1123, it's general biology. General is just that - it could be anything. It was suggested in forums be previous test-takers that we concentrate on certain areas that I then studied in depth. Then those things were not on my exam, of course! So, anything goes. If you took microbiology and chemistry than I imagine you will be fine. I'm a mom who's been out of high school for 10 years, but I imagine HS bio and chem will also serve you well. I believe the idea is to have an overall understanding of general biology and chemistry. Whatever you don't know you just need to use your best guess based on what you already know. Some people find the test difficult, some find it easy, and most find it somewhere in the middle. I'd say don't be nervous when taking your exam, but that's unrealistic (: That's why I suggest starting with the topic you feel most comfortable with. Once you see your score on that section and it is high, you will likely relax for the rest of the exam.

Carolina9283, you did very well; your score is more a 90 than an 89 anyway. (:

thanks girls, i was reading all of what is in the study guide and i know most of the topics in depth so i think i will be fine. im also a mom and finished high scholl in 2004. hopefully we all get into the program n become nurses together yaaayy!

is there a periodic table available in the test?

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