how do you become an anesthesiologist? a nurse anestheist?

Nurses General Nursing


hey guys. i was curious if anyone here knows a nurse anesthesiologist... or knows how to become one? how about a anesthesiologist? thanks!

Specializes in Med-Surg.

An anesthesiologist is a physician. They go to medical school.

A certified registered nurse anesthesist (CRNA) is an advanced practice RN. The requirements vary but one has to have a BSN and usually two years of Critical Care nursing experience to apply to CRNA school. They are the highest paid nurses, and thus the schools are highly competetive to get into.

Good luck.

Specializes in Med-Surg.

Hello!!! I am from Houston, Texas so this is the info I have for you. I know this is very competitive but if you really want it you can achieve it!!!! Good luck and hope this site helps you!!!!.....

anesthetist: 4 yrs med school, keep gpa high and pick anesthesiology as major.

nurse anesthetist: 4 yrs nursing school, nursing exp. then apply to nurse anesthetist programs. Not many schools offer them though.

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