BCIT Aug 2010/ Jan 2011

World Canada


Making a new thread for people interested about BCIT nursing

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I applied for Aug 2010

I graduated high school 2009

Re-taking bio 12

math 76

Eng 68

Chem 72

Any one currently taking BCIT nursing program are there any people who came directly from high school?

Hi everyone, I was wondering if the people who got accepted could give some info regarding their gpa and level of education. Or volunteer experiences. So everyone who is looking into the program

Could have a reference. As we all know bcit doesn't say any competitive marks etc

I would really appreciate. I am currently in my third year of bsn in UBC.

Thanks a lot

Hey nursingprogram1, I'm actually not sure if that means you won't get in. I read in some old forums that people were gettting accepted right on the deadline, so don't give up hope!!

Hamid, I actually had a decent gpa. I recieved an associate of science degree in december, and during my last semester I had about 2 A-'s, and 3 B+'s. That was actually the best I had done, since before that I had never even received an A, let alone so many high B's.

As for work experience, I've been working in an optometrical setting for about a year now. I also volunteered quite a bit (From last June to last December) at a seniors centre. As well as that, I volunteered for six months last year at a hospital.

Hope that helps! And good luck to everyone who still has to hear back! :)

I still haven't heard from BCIT yet either if that makes you feel any better.

Me too have a funny feeling as to why they would make us wait this long to hear if we actually make it.

I'm losing my sleep over this! I would really prefer them to tell us if we make it or not rather than making us wait endlessly like this (or at least thats how this week makes me feel!) :(

Thanks a lot Canucks

I guess what I really want to find out is what is the minimum marks you need to be considered competitive. Maybe you are one of the ones on top of the list hehe

Hi everyone,

Some what good news! I just received the letter via e-mail stating that I am top of the holding list for the august 2011 in-take. If I chose not to be on the holding list or do not get in, then I am deferred into January 2012's in-take!!! ( I have a seat for sure!)

Does ANYONE know what the chances of "top hold-list" getting into the August intake mean? In addition, I was also invited to attend the orientation on May 12. I'm excited! I guess I will have my phone with me at all times during my trip to Mexico!!!! P.S Do they normally call you weeks before the nursing program if someone drops out of the nursing seat?

congrats to everyone who was accepted/on the holding list!

still waiting and waiting for my status to change from "pending department review" to something nice :heartbeat

super anxious because april 30 is basically in..2 days!!

Hi everyone,

Some what good news! I just received the letter via e-mail stating that I am top of the holding list for the august 2011 in-take. If I chose not to be on the holding list or do not get in, then I am deferred into January 2012's in-take!!! ( I have a seat for sure!)

Does ANYONE know what the chances of "top hold-list" getting into the August intake mean? In addition, I was also invited to attend the orientation on May 12. I'm excited! I guess I will have my phone with me at all times during my trip to Mexico!!!! P.S Do they normally call you weeks before the nursing program if someone drops out of the nursing seat?

Hi nursingprogram1, I have a feeling that they'll call you after May 4th because that's the deadline to pay the committment fee for reserving seats.

So I'm put on the holding list and if I don't get in for Aug then I have to apply for the Jan intake :(

I'm not sure how to even strengthen my application!! I thought I had a pretty solid application.. i just finished my undergrad degree and have volunteered at Burnaby Hospital, Childrens and Canadian Blood Services.

Can anyone give me any tips if I apply for the Jan intake ?

srama - i would recommend taking some of the elective courses (critical reading and writing, ethics, etc.). You do have a pretty solid application, so it probably came down to someone else having one more elective than you.

nursingprogram1 - they can call you anytime between now and the first week or two of school, whenever a spot becomes available. sometimes people accept but then change their minds over the summer, etc.

Congrats on being put on the waitllist Nursingprogram1! It must be such a relief to know that you're in at BCIT for sure!

srama, I'm sorry you didn't get in this year. Don't give up though! I didn't get in last year, but I actually started to take more elective courses, and I believe that might be why I got in. Your application doesn't seem too different from mine, so you probably will get in for next year if you do them!

Hamid and hoolalaa, I really hope you find out some good news soon! On the bright side, there's only one day left! :)

Canucks- Thank you ! I am extremely excited, and I do hope they will contact me before August!

Srmra-I also suggest that you take the Liberal courses and 2 psych courses they offer there. That is what they mainly look for (as I have done).

Hamid:To be honest, BCIT do not care about your GPA score because although i had straight A's in my care aide program, and B+ in (BIO, ENG, CHEM, MATH), my Libs & Psychs were only B-; I only had about a GPA of 70%. Alot of people think that GPA (high) factors mainly on acceptance, but really, it isnt. They are mainly looking to see if your really dedicated into the nursing career and that your not in it just for the money. So they factor in alot of other things such as: libs/electives etc, volunteer, work experience etc. etc. A few of my friends are in the nursing program and said that all you need are a passing grade, however if you want to receieve free money, you need to maintain a certain GPA. I hope that helps! But if Im wrong, please let me know guys!

Thanks a lot nursingprogram1. That really helps . I currently have an interview wit MSJ hospital so will hopefully be volunteering for quite a bit before applying. What do u mean by employment though? And I have taken sociology. Paychology. Family studies so far

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