BCC Palm Bay ADN Spring 2013

U.S.A. Florida


Hello everyone I started this thread to get a better understanding of what is considered a competetive applicant for Brevard Community College's Palm Bay ADN Program (spring 2013). I also would like to know how the point-system works if anyone can explain.

Please post in this thread if you are:

applying to the spring 2013 program, or

have previously applied and/or been accepted/denied to either BCC ADN program at Cocoa/Palm Bay

About me:

TEAS overall 84.7% (90% Reading)

Cumulitive GPA (BCC & UCF) 3.336

previous work/healthcare experience: none

Total points for application 25/44

Plus, I have 2 awesome rec letters and a great essay. I am hoping these, my TEAS, & my GPA will counteract the somewhat low-points. Any advice would be great! Keeping my fingers crossed!

Thanks everyone, look forward to hearing from you!

Hello everyone I started this thread to get a better understanding of what is considered a competetive applicant for Brevard Community College's Palm Bay ADN Program (spring 2013). I also would like to know how the point-system works if anyone can explain.

Please post in this thread if you are:

applying to the spring 2013 program, or

have previously applied and/or been accepted/denied to either BCC ADN program at Cocoa/Palm Bay

About me:

TEAS overall 84.7% (90% Reading)

Cumulitive GPA (BCC & UCF) 3.336

previous work/healthcare experience: none

Total points for application 25/44

Plus, I have 2 awesome rec letters and a great essay. I am hoping these, my TEAS, & my GPA will counteract the somewhat low-points. Any advice would be great! Keeping my fingers crossed!

Thanks everyone, look forward to hearing from you!

Hey, I'm applying to the program as well :)

Here is my breakdown:

TEAS: 85%

GPA: 3.89 (Bachelor's of Science)

Healthcare experience: Exercise Specialist

Total points: 39/44

I don't know too much more about the point system. Did you take the Nursing Skills Success Course? I wish we didn't have so long until these letters get mailed out :/

Hey, I'm applying to the program as well :) Here is my breakdown:TEAS: 85%GPA: 3.89 (Bachelor's of Science)Healthcare experience: Exercise SpecialistTotal points: 39/44I don't know too much more about the point system. Did you take the Nursing Skills Success Course? I wish we didn't have so long until these letters get mailed out :/
Great stats!

Great Stats indeed! I'm sure you'll get in, sounds like you've got everything nailed! No I didn't take any of the extra classes, I blame my job for overworking me (although I am very greatful to have one), but I am kicking myself now! I know I am so anxious I just want to know.

I just got accepted. I am so excited.

Hi everyone I got my acceptance letter for BCC Palm Bay and I'm so excited! If anyone wants to chat or anything before the program starts let me know!

Hello everyone I started this thread to get a better understanding of what is considered a competetive applicant for Brevard Community College's Palm Bay ADN Program (spring 2013). I also would like to know how the point-system works if anyone can explain.

Please post in this thread if you are:

applying to the spring 2013 program, or

have previously applied and/or been accepted/denied to either BCC ADN program at Cocoa/Palm Bay

About me:

TEAS overall 84.7% (90% Reading)

Cumulitive GPA (BCC & UCF) 3.336

previous work/healthcare experience: none

Total points for application 25/44

Plus, I have 2 awesome rec letters and a great essay. I am hoping these, my TEAS, & my GPA will counteract the somewhat low-points. Any advice would be great! Keeping my fingers crossed!

Thanks everyone, look forward to hearing from you!

I got in too! Congrats :)

I also started a facebook page for us all to get to know each other and to help one another along the way. Just search for BCC Nursing C/O 2015, and I'll add you.


That's a great idea to start a page! Add me if you do! Shayna.miller.1 after the Facebook.com/ (don't want to get edited)

just sent u a request, shayna :)

Congrats! I was also accepted and have been busy going through my checklist. If you start up a Facebook group send me a PM and I will give you my Facebook info. I look forward to meeting everyone soon!


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