Bay Area Salary


What is the starting or basic salary for a new grad in the Bay. I heard keiser is the best hospital to get into. Has any applied to Keiser or Summit? any info is welcomed

Specializes in ICU.

What is Keiser? Get through Nursing school and pass NCLEX first. After that maybe you will find out "Keiser" salary is much different than Jan 2017.

Thank you you've been very helpful.

BRUH. LMAO. You got jokes

It isn't so much what the salaries are, but whether or not one can get hired at all, whether they are a new grad or a very experienced nurse. You can get somewhat of an idea of the salaries by frequenting job boards such as career builder, monster, the actual employment portals of employers, and sometimes even craigslist, for those occasional job listings that indicate a salary range.

Salaries range in the Bay Area, just like cost of living ranges. I Don't know the pay grade for Kaiser specifically but if it's in the bay I bet it's pretty high. SF hospitals pay more of course, because cost of living is ridiculous. Average I believe is 50's per hour. Again, cost of living is crazy so I would consider quality of life over salary! Depends where you're from and where you want to live. If you're not living in the bay, I would say get your experience somewhere else first and decide to move in the figure. It's one of the toughest job markets out here. (I'm an RN in SF). Good luck.

Specializes in ICU.
Thank you you've been very helpful.

It is spelled "KAISER", smh. You asked the same exact misspelled question weeks ago and no one cared to respond. I know plenty on the north bay, south bay, east bay, and peninsula pay. Not going to provide someone who has not started nursing school salary info that is not going to be relevant when and if you make it through nursing school. We have New Grads on here who can't even pass NCLEX after a year or more. I do know what your post said originally and My reply was deleted.

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