Background checks


Hey guys, I only have about 3 weeks of school left and I'm getting ready to send in the NCLEX aplication. Our instructor informed us that if we had any felony or misdemeanor conviction to put it on the app even if it happened when you were a minor. Well, I got into some trouble over 20 years ago and spent 6 months in a boys detention center. I was a minor at the time. I don't remember if it was a felony or mis. I'm thinking it was a felony because it was technically a B&E I think. A kid I knew called me up and said he was house sitting. I believed him and we drank some soft drinks and stuff. I was on probation at the time for underage drinking is why I think I got sent away. I called the courthouse where I went and they said all those records are expunged, with no records.

I've got 3 years and major debt into nursing, now in the last month I find out this might be a proble! My question is what do I put down? Just as I've explained it above? I don't really remember and neither do my parents. Now I here even if they let me take the test and get licenced, I may not get hired if there is a felony on my record (even as a juvenile).

Specializes in PeriOp, ICU, PICU, NICU.

Personally, I would put it down. You just never know if it will come up or not. You should be able to explain the situation as well somewhere in the application.

Anyhow, good luck and congrats on graduating!!

Absolutely do NOT lie to the board of nursing. This can get you in much more trouble than something you did over 20 years ago when you were underage. I think your school should have told you on admission that a criminal background check was necessary prior to taking NCLEX. Most schools have background checks on admission to the nursing program. I ALWAYS tell students this upfront. Call the board of nursing and speak to them. They will not give you a definitve answer until you actually apply to sit for the boards, but I've seen them give students helpful direction in such situations.

Thanks, my instructor contacted them and they said to put no on the application, but still put my explanation letter in with it. I guess the courts give different charges to offences as minors so I should be ok now. She said they are called judication or something. She said I don't even have to put it on job applications. I don't know, but since she's the president of the board, it must be alright.

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.

Please contact the state BON on your own. And, refer to this thread:

Nursing Licensure With A Criminal History

Good luck.

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