This morning was my last mental health clinical (thank goodness). My partner and I walked onto our unit and did not see any staff because they were in the morning report. We saw an agitated patient, kicking her legs up and mumbling to herself. My partner and I walked around her, giving her space. Once we passed her, she turned to follow us and spit on me. Her spit landed in my hair and in my mouth. I was disgusted. I immediately went to the bathroom, then told 2 staff members (literally 10 minutes after she spat). I asked for mouthwash. They stated "she spits all the time and we do not have mouthwash." I told my clinical instructor, who sought help from the unit manager. They tested her for Hep B and C and HIV. The staff made it seem like it was my fault! I was so upset and tried to keep my composure. They told me I should of yelled for the staff (which they would not of heard me) and that I should of washed my hair off in the infectious control sink (which we were never shown where that was). The director of nursing told me I have to "be more careful." The staff was awful and rude.
I am not sure what to do at this point. I emailed my instructor. I want to contact the head of the nursing dept or the manager to let them know their staff handled this situation poorly. I feel since I am paying for this clinical experience, I should get the best out of it. But I also want to protect myself and not have this situation influence any future experiences at school. I am getting so tired of being treated like dirt at clinicals.
Any advice?