Awesome news about my nursing tuition!!!


Specializes in Med/Surg, LTC/Geriatric.

I got a letter from my school with a breakdown of my fees and tuition for September. I called the registrar because something was askew with the $$$ figures.

Turns out the tuition figure listed on my school's website is wrong. I will actually have to pay $1,000 LESS than is listed!! :monkeydance:

So my total fees, tuition and books for my 12 month LPN program is $6,100!!

I'm so excited! When I first considered this course, I thought it was going to run me at least $9,000. Then the website listed it at $7,100, but it's actually $6,100!!


Great news! Here in New Orleans we call that a little Lagniappe! (Pronounced LAN-YAP) It's always welcome!

NOUN: Chiefly Southern Louisiana & Mississippi 1. A small gift presented by a storeowner to a customer with the customer's purchase. 2. An extra or unexpected gift or benefit.


Specializes in LTC.

That is great news.

Congrats and good luck!

Specializes in OB, M/S, HH, Medical Imaging RN.
Turns out the tuition figure listed on my school's website is wrong. I will actually have to pay $1,000 LESS than is listed!! :monkeydance:

So my total fees, tuition and books for my 12 month LPN program is $6,100!!


In 1974 when I went to LPN school my total tuition was $250 which included books and 3 uniforms. We got free lunch everyday. Those who agreed to work for the hosp for a year after graduation got their tuition free and $1.25 an hour for clinicals as well. My parents paid my tuition and at the time I thought that was a really big deal. Wow how things have changed.

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