Published Jan 27, 2006
297 Posts
My school's nursing program goes by the prereq gpa first, then the overall. My question...
They require a 5 credit a&p class BIO185
I took the 4 creditx2 a&p Bio281& 282
I was told my classes (8cr @b) would count more than the 5 credit class with a b.
What would my 8 credits with b's both semesters equal out to? They told me my bio gpa would be worth more than 3.0 because they only require the 5 cr class.
Am I making sense?
118 Posts
carolinapooh, BSN, RN
3,577 Posts
Do they figure GPA by quality points? If they do, that’s probably why.
Quality points are determined by multiplying the number of hours of credit by the number that corresponds to your letter grade (A=4; B=3, and so on).
For the 5 hour class, you’d get 15 quality points (5x3).
For two four hour classes, you’d get 24 QP (4x3) + (4x3) = 24
If they use a point system to determine admission, then eight hours is worth more than five hours based on that as well. But it sounds as though they use quality points.
I've even seen it listed on some transcripts as "QPA" instead of "GPA".
RosesrReder, BSN, MSN, RN
8,498 Posts
You could also google GPA calculator and it will specifically tell you.
Good luck