Average Hospice NP pay per visit

Specialties Hospice



I was just offered a Hospice NP position in LA area at $75/visit + mileage. Does this pay seem fair? The position is to re-certify the patients and make sure they are still eligible for hospice care. My experience has been working in ICU as bedside RN for a little over 4 years and I just recently graduated from NP school 1 year ago. Should I ask for more considering how much gas prices has gone up? I'd really appreciate your advice since I am not really familiar with the nurses' pay in hospice care. Thank you :)

Specializes in Oncology, Palliative care.

wow that sounds like a good pay to me. But I guess it depends on how many visits per day, if its only 2 visits per day, that's not great! And also are they taking in to account that you are a NP?

Specializes in psych, addictions, hospice, education.

You need to figure out how long a visit would generally take. It's different if it's a half hour compared to if it takes 2 hours. Ask the employer.

You should get a similar hourly rate to what other new NPs, no matter what their job is, get in your locality. So, do some checking around to see. There are probably some websites where you can get this information, or you could call NP friends and ask.

Finally, what will you be getting per mile for mileage? Standard a few years ago was 41 cents per mile where I lived.

Thank you both for replying. I don't know how many pt I will be seeing in a day. It depends on how far apart the patients are located. I will be getting 51 cent per mile (they told me that's per IRS standard). I think average pay for new NP in the area (within 1 year) is somewhere in the low $40s per hour. The hiring manager told me the visit should only take 15-20 min at the most and charting is very minimal (only have to dictate a few sentences).

Specializes in psych, addictions, hospice, education.

So, to make what a NP makes who doesn't do home visits, you'd have to see about 4 patients in a day ($40QH x 8H=$320QD; $320QD divided by $75 per visit= about 4 visits per day).

Does your agency have enough patients needing recertification every day, for that to be possible?

Are there other things you'll be doing that would bring you income?

Is this considered a full-time or a part-time or an as-needed job? Do you get benefits? Can NPs do recertification in your state? They can't where I live.

I think you have lots of things to consider here. Mileage is just a small thing in the grand scheme. I do think 51 cents per mile is enough.

This will be only a part-time job...I have another part-time job that would give me more stability and benefits. I won't be getting any benefits with this job. According to the company, NPs can do recertification in CA.

I'm considering requesting for a bit higher pay per visit because I don't know how many patients they would be able to give me and to cover for the wear and tear of my car. But I also don't want to come off as being greedy. That's why I would like to find out how much hospice NPs usually make so I can compare this pay with what they are making. Thanks again for your reply.

Specializes in LTC, Psych, Hospice.

I think it sounds low...especially for California. I'm in the south w/ a lower cost of living than California and our NP makes $75/visit doing the recerts. Just my :twocents:

That's what I wanted to find out. You're probably right...but I decided to give this job a try and see if I'm going to like it. Thanks for your input. :)

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