Austin, TX or upstate NY?

Specialties Travel


Hi Everyone,

So I am looking for some input on a current traveling dilemma I am having. I am currently on my second assignment at cedars sinai hospital in LA and I hate it. The assignment has really beaten me down and I was contemplating going all the way back home to upstate NY to do an assignment. I also want to go to Austin Texas to do an assignment. I am just not sure if it will be worth it to go all the way home or just go to Austin. I feel like if I go home that means I am just taking the easy way out. Has anyone ever traveled in Austin Texas? thanks I really appreciate any feedback!

Specializes in tele, m/s, progressive care.

Austin is wonderful! I spent 5 weeks there as my first assignment and I really enjoyed it. Living expenses will be much cheaper than you find in LA, the people are very friendly and there is so much to see and do around town! I managed to make friends with a neighbor who was very active and had a dog, so we got out to dog parks to go hiking several times a week. Lots of water sports down on their river; no motorboats are allowed on it, which leaves more space for the canoes and kayaks! The nightlife, restaurants and venues are unending, there's definitely something there for everyone.

The job that I had was pretty high paced, but I found people were very willing to help me out. I've used computer charting ever since I've been out of school and most places in the Austin area still use all paper; this was alot to get used to, but totally doable. Still, this was a small blip in my whole experience in Austin... so much more to enjoy outside of the doors of work.

I HIGHLY suggest you go to austin... It sounds like you're kind of not wanting to go to NY anyway. I say go for it! If you decide to commit, let me know what you're into and maybe I can suggest some places to go and things to do. Good luck!

Specializes in ER.

I'm from Austin and let me tell you, you will LOVE IT! We are laid back and friendly, plus there is tons of stuff to do here. I am on my first assignment now. Didn't go too far though, Dallas Texas is were I am at. Love that I get to come home on my days off. I'll decide after this assignment if I will venture out of Texas next. Shoot me an email if you have any questions about Austin. Good luck!

Specializes in Education.

Upstate NY is nice for the fall, but as you know, the winters are another story. I'm trying to get out of here for the winter. :lol2: I say go for Austin!

thanks everyone I really appreciate it! unfortunately due to family health issues I am having to do a contract back in good ole CNY for the winter. But I am hoping to go to AUstin soon after!


I'm looking for a job in Austin, possibly a travel job. Do you know of any travel companies that contract with hospitals there?



Austin??? No State Income Taxes

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