Attempting Accelerated Degree again



I wanted to create a post requesting anyone's opinion about accelerated nursing degrees. It is somewhat unique because I actually attempted to do an accelerated program about 7 years back and did not get into the program I wanted so I chose not to pursue it.

About 2 years ago I was taking care of my grandmother with simple things such as preparing food, helping her to the bathroom, making sure she got into bed, etc and it reignited my interest in working with the elderly in this way, which got me to thinking about nursing.

I know that schools that offer accelerated nursing programs do not accept science credits that were taken a few years ago(I think someone told me the limit was 5 years) so I would have to take them over, and I did not have great grades anyway(Bs and Cs). I just wanted to ask, am I beating a dead horse? Is it practical to invest time, energy and money in pursuing this? Any feedback is welcome.

Thank you!

Is it practical to invest time, energy and money in pursuing this? Any feedback is welcome.

Thank you!

There is only ONE person that can answer this question.. However, if your major concern is only getting accepted into an Accelerated program please realize that there are other paths to become an RN ---> apply to all RN programs that are realistic for you to attend including traditional 2 year BSN programs as well as ADN programs.. the more places you apply the better your chances of being accepted and starting your journey.

Best of luck.

Specializes in L&D, infusion, urology.

Not all programs have that time limit on science courses. Just FYI.

Only YOU can decide if it's worth the time and effort to do this.

Thanks for your feedback! I think I'm going to try for Associates degrees because the sciences are less (and some are even taken during the program). I've heard of that before, but I've heard sometimes it's more difficult to find work with it.


I know that schools that offer accelerated nursing programs do not accept science credits that were taken a few years ago(I think someone told me the limit was 5 years)

Depends on where you go.

You really need to make a pros and cons list for yourself. Accelerated is great if you feel like yuo can handle it but there is NOT SHAME in knowing its not for you. You have to have an honest conversation with yourself about what you can and can't handle, or want to step up for.

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