ATT from pearson vue


How long does it take to get the authorization to test from pearson vue? School sent the transcripts 2 weeks ago and I

have already registered with the BON and pearson vue, fingerprinting is complete and background check done.

It just seems like it is dragging. Could it be because all of the colleges have new grads applying at the same time?

Specializes in PICU, Sedation/Radiology, PACU.

The NJ Board of Nursing is slow. I submitted my application at the end of April and I'm still waiting for the BON to finish processing it. Once the BON finished with the application, they send your ATT to Pearsonvue and Pearsonvue emails it to you within 24 hours.

I've heard from the other NJ new grad nurses that two months is about the average length of time that it will take. You can always call the BON and check the status of your application. The number is on their website.

I actually just received my ATT, exactly 2 weeks after my school sent in my paperwork.


Specializes in PICU, Sedation/Radiology, PACU.

Wow. How long ago did you submit your actual application?

I sent my paperwork to the BON at the beginning of May, graduated middle of May and registered with Pearson Vue, had to take a mandatory NCLEX review course (school would not send in paperwork until everyone took this class) which was first week of June and exactly 2 weeks from when the school sent in my transcripts, I received my ATT.

Specializes in PICU, Sedation/Radiology, PACU.

I'm really glad you got your ATT so quickly. Hopefully mine comes soon!

Do you mind if I ask when the earliest test date was available (ex. 2 days from when you scheduled, two weeks from when you scheduled, etc.) and what part of Jersey you are testing in? (Northern, Southern, Central)?

I am testing the second week in July, that was the earliest I could get.

I am testing in south jersey, Atlantic City, and I even looked at a few testing centers in PA. and they were full until the middle of July.

Specializes in PICU, Sedation/Radiology, PACU.

I got my ATT today!

I'm testing in Northern NJ and I was (miraculously) able to get a test date that's just a few days away. I'm going to the Lyndhurst testing center. When I scheduled earlier today, there was still a slot open for the 29th. But rescheduling costs $50, I think.

Specializes in PICU, Sedation/Radiology, PACU.

I got my ATT today!

I'm testing in Northern NJ and I was (miraculously) able to get a test date that's just a few days away. I'm going to the Lyndhurst testing center. When I scheduled earlier today, there was still a slot open for the 29th. But rescheduling costs $50, I think.

Good luck on your test. My test is 2 weeks away. I have been doing practice questions every night.

Hopefully, in a few weeks, we will both have RN after our names and then the fun begins looking for

a job.

I just sent my application 2 weeks ago. and i haven't received my fingerprinting scheduling info from BON :( my school sent my letter of completion this week. While waiting for the fingerprinting and the BON to receive letter of completion, can I still register at Pearsonvue and pay the other $200???

You can register with Pearson Vue when every you are ready. You just cannot schedule your test

date until they send you your ATT.

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