Published Oct 22, 2005
canoehead, BSN, RN
6,901 Posts
My mother has been taken to our local tertiary care centre after suffering from severe SOB. An echocardiogram shows a mass in her atrium, and we are waiting to hear from a cardiac surgeon.
Anyone have previous experience with this type of mass? Is it an open heart procedure? How long in the the hospital...what is the usual wait time between diagnosis and surgery in your hospital?
Any information would be helpful, I just want to know if there are questions I should be asking that I don't know about. Thanks.
Anyone have experience with any type of tumor in the heart?
4,007 Posts
Canoe....have heard of it during clinicals. (3 years ago?) Instructor is a recovery nurse. From what I remember, heart by pass does happen....but don't quote still functioning on 11-7 mode! If I remember anything more, will let ya know.
17 Articles; 45,832 Posts
My mother has been taken to our local tertiary care centre after suffering from severe SOB. An echocardiogram shows a mass in her atrium, and we are waiting to hear from a cardiac surgeon.Anyone have previous experience with this type of mass? Is it an open heart procedure? How long in the the hospital...what is the usual wait time between diagnosis and surgery in your hospital?Any information would be helpful, I just want to know if there are questions I should be asking that I don't know about. Thanks.
Hello, canoehead,:balloons:
I have had a couple patients with this type of mass (atrial myxoma).. They are a fairly common heart mass and usually benign. It is an open procedure with resection. The echo is rather specific for dx. It really depends upon the severity of s/s when the surgery is performed. I might add....there is a familial tendency and family members need screening.
I hope all is o.k. with her.
180 Posts
I can't say much more than what Siri has already hit on except the 3 that I've seen did have Atrial Fibrillation after surgery. Each left the hospital in stable condition and should have been able to live normal lives. I just recently had a pt. that had a ventricular mass, and it was not a good thing, not sure what the end result for him will be, but it will likely be a poor prognosis, couple with multiple lung nodules and liver cysts.