

Can anyone tell me where i can get an example of a head and neck assessment i know what information i need but Jim not sure how to write it. Thanks!

Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.

Welcome to AN! The largest online nursing community!

We are happy to help but was won't do your homework for you. You mean assesment like for an H&P?

Google is your friend.....A Practical Guide to Clinical Medicine

I'm not looking for someone to do my homework i won't learn anything that way i was asking for web sites to get demo's so i can create my own head and neck assessment

Specializes in PICU, Sedation/Radiology, PACU.

YouTube has some great videos with examples of different assessments. Here's one link to a video that shows and overall assessment with a focus on the head and neck.

If you search for "head and neck nursing assessment" on YouTube and Google, you'll find many great resources.

Specializes in Adult Internal Medicine.

Invest in the Bates book, well worth it throughout school and after.

Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.
I'm not looking for someone to do my homework i won't learn anything that way i was asking for web sites to get demo's so i can create my own head and neck assessment

Understood, and I gave you a very good resource......Many come here and have expectations. It was simply a statement not an accusation.

I assist the students that come here with information and leadership to help them find their own answers by leading them to the right sources.

I wish you the best.....try the site I provided you. It is an excellent source. Peace:paw:

and don't forget those ancient resources...books. when you are in the clinical area and can't get to the web, you can always crack a book for a quick refresher.

i know i am probably hopelessly out of date (after all, i only spend about 8 hours a day online doing research, writing, and communicating), but i despair of those who think the answer to everything --at least the only acceptable answer-- is the one they can find fastest online. real life is so not like that. :::looking for old-lady icon:::

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