Asian friend who lives in Asia wants to be an International Nurse


I have an Asian friend who lives in Asia, who is trying to become an International Nurse. She is a RN. I am trying to help her with some possible questions that will be asked & what to expect, which is difficult, since I have never tried to be an International Nurse. I thought maybe there was someone who had gone through the process who can help me help her. Her English is good, but she wants to make sure she understands the question & to give an answer using good English. She said the interview will be in English & it is a must that her English me good.

Thank you so much for your help. :rolleyes:

Specializes in Nephro, ICU, LTC and counting.

Which part of Asia does she belong to? The problem with many ( Though, not most) Asians is that they have a good command of Reading, writing English but, they may lack skills in listening and speaking English. So , there are few tests of English proficiency, the International nurses who wish to work in US as an RN are required to take. She can take either IELTS or TOEFL(TSE and TWE). And if you read the stickies on the top of these threads, you can help your friend in the process. All the best.

As Starbin asked, which part of Asia is your friend from? Just follow the stickies at the top of this section. Please let us know if you have any more questions..:)

As Starbin asked, which part of Asia is your friend from? Just follow the stickies at the top of this section. Please let us know if you have any more questions..:)

:o I am sorry I cannot tell you what part of Asia she is from. I have been asked not to release that info & I must honor her wishes. Her English (written, spoken, & listening) is very good. She is just nervous about possible questions that will be asked. I have given her examples of what I thought they would ask & have gone thru medical conditions in English to make sure she could explain them in English. Thanks for all of your help.

The interview is the last thing that she needs to worry about. She has to take the exams first, for licneusre, as well as the series of English exams. She went get an interview without that. At least if she is doing things the proper way and with a reputable company. Exams need to be done first.

We are only trying to be helpful..............without knowing where your friend is from, we can't tell her the type of questions that she will get. The questions do vary also with the country where she is from, and the training that she has had.

The interview is the last thing that she needs to worry about. She has to take the exams first, for licneusre, as well as the series of English exams. She went get an interview without that. At least if she is doing things the proper way and with a reputable company. Exams need to be done first.

We are only trying to be helpful..............without knowing where your friend is from, we can't tell her the type of questions that she will get. The questions do vary also with the country where she is from, and the training that she has had.

Thanks so much for your help. I will be sure to tell her this. She is in the process of getting her BSN. She told me that she has a test next month to take. I will just continue to help her with her medical English. I do know that their classes are not like USA, but she has made sure that she has done everything thru an International school. I have not visited that school, but do know that the others are below our standards. They have a school here that you have to pass an oral interview in English before you can get in it & then you are trained to be an international nurse. I helped another girl with her interview, which she passes, but lost contact with her, so do not know if she passed the school for international nursing. Again thank you for your help, my friend appreciates it very much.

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