Army Reserve Uniform Allowance


Specializes in Med Surg, Family Medicine, Urgent Care.

Does anyone know how much Army Reserve uniform allowance is? I understand it is paid after OBLC, is that correct?



Specializes in ER, NICU.

It is supposed to be 600.00, I am still waiting.

Specializes in Med Surg, Family Medicine, Urgent Care.

Thanks for the info. Hope yours comes through soon

Specializes in Critical Care.

Yep we get $600.00 after OBC. You have to submit the correct form (USAR 25R) to your unit after completion.

It is anyones guess when you will actually get the money!! =)

Specializes in Med Surg, Family Medicine, Urgent Care.

Well that doesn't cover everything we need, but it helps. The way I see it ACU's alone are about $300.00 for 4 sets. Add in patches, name tapes, boots, t-shirts, head gear, Jacket (M-65), socks, adds up quickly. ASU's are about $400.00 or so as well.

Specializes in ER, NICU.

Just my advice, I would buy 2 used sets for OBLC field portion, they will get ruined.

Specializes in Med Surg, Family Medicine, Urgent Care.

That's great advice. Thanks alot

Specializes in ICU- adults, Flight RN peds/neo.
Just my advice, I would buy 2 used sets for OBLC field portion, they will get ruined.

I heard this before I went too. really depends on what time of year you go to OBLC. I went in November and my ACU from the field are in great shape....But I did wear the same pair for 5 days straight, repeadily.

If it had rained, then yes I agree....they would probably be a wreck.

Specializes in EMT, ER, Homehealth, OR.

I agree only buy 2 sets of ACU's to start, 1 pair of boots, 1 beret, 1 patrol cap etc. Once you get with your unit ask some of the other nurses what you really need and don't need slowly increase what you have. I would wait on buying class "A"'s until the new blue ones are released. When I was deployed overseas for 1 year I only wore 2 sets of ACU's, laundry was every 3 days so I made the trip every 3 days. As far as the field jacket that depends on where you live if I would get one. You will diffently need to get the green fleece thou. hopes this helps.

Specializes in Med Surg, Family Medicine, Urgent Care.


That is very helpful. I am not familiar with the green fleece, what are they? I think the new blues are available. I will probably look into getting them.



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