Army Basic Training

Specialties Government


Hello All,

I am currently in nursing school finishing my BSN and would like to join the reserves. I just spoke with a recruiter and I will have to go through regular basic to join now, so most likely during the summer when I am on a break and will have 9 weeks off. My question is, has anyone gone through regular basic recently that can offer any of their experiences? My hobby is distance running, so I am not worried about stamina or the physical aspects, but would like to have some sense of what I am in for.

Thanks everyone. I appreciate any feedback

..this is the military forum...

shannon look over the first two pages of current threads - you will find several titled OBC and provide answers to questions as well as some first hand accounts of nurses posting during and after OBC.

What you really need to know is the length... the packing list.. and to have your personal life situated... provided you are able to do basic physical requirements you will be able to succeed in this course - the course is not meant to 'weed' out nurses rather to bolster their confidence, provide basic leadership skills through training scenarios and provides a very basic overview to some basic army skill sets... you do not need to be an uber stud or gi jane - you need to be willing to learn, willing to push yourself and able to work to support your team and they will support you.


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