Arkansas State University (ASU) MSN

Nursing Students NP Students


Hi! Has anyone gone through the MSN program at Arkansas State? Currently looking at their program but I haven’t heard anything about them. I know they don’t go to campus at all for a skills day like other schools I have looked at do, and wasn’t sure if that was bad thing. Any thoughts are appreciated! 


Hi! My name is Julie and I am currently in Astate FNP program and taking the "Advances Assessment and Diagnostic Evaluation" course. I just took Exam 1 and didn't do according to plan. I was hoping to get some feedback from you on how to do well in the course.

I am feeling quite defeated and discouraged. I spent a long time studying and I feel like the materials I focused on were not what the test covered. 

I would appreciate any insight and advice you might have! 

Thank you!


Hi, did you happen to already take NURS 6023 Assessments course? I was hoping to get feedback from you. I would appreciate it greatly!



@Julie Dinh Yes, I have taken that course. I dedicated a lot of time to studying, memorizing the assessments for the return video, and all those Shadow Healths! I found the online Bate's access, The Point for the book, helpful. I took the practice questions that are there for most chapters to get a feel for how well I was retaining the info; those are under the "PrepU" portion of that content. I felt like the recorded lectures and the Bate's book were the two things I utilized the most. The other books didn't add as much to my knowledge.  I used UpToDate a lot to help with differential diagnoses, which can be accessed for free through the A-State library. I also utilized Quizlet to create flashcards including pics for recall, which helped a lot with all those derm disorders! 

It's a lot of info in a short span of time. I also really tried to think of how I will apply this learning to my future as a provider and didn't just try to pass exams, etc. I had to remind myself a lot that others have gone before me and made it through! You can do this! Let me know if you have any other questions I may be able to help with.

Thinking of applying to the Arkansas State FNP program - Has anyone had issues with this program - do you feel you were well prepared for the certification exam? Did you like the 7 week semesters?

Specializes in ER.

@Julie Dinh did things get better for you after exam 1? Are you still in the program?  Did any of you finish with A-State FNP program? Looking to start but would like some feedback on the program. Any information is appreciated. 

Are the exams proctored?

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