The skinny on ASU 2nd degree program

U.S.A. Arizona


I went to the informational session today. One hour of great information, 2/3 of which had to do with the traditional route to nursing school at ASU. Long. But eventually, he covered the 2nd degree and I'm going to share what I got

Already discussed in another thread, the 9 prereqs:

Bio 201

Bio 202

Chem 101

Micro 205/206

CDE 232

HCR 220

HCR 240

Psych 101


No TEAS test required for 2nd degree students.

12 month program which begins each summer. All of the above classes must be completed prior to the end of December to begin the program the summer of the following year (so if you wanted to go summer 11, then all 9 classes must be completed prior to December 31, 2010). This program only starts once per year in the summer. More may be added later.

Science classes cannot be more then 5 years old. So if you took Micro in 1999, it is no longer good. They may waive that rule if you are working in that field of study. A scientist may not have to repeat all the science courses, or may be able to use some of them even if the credits are more than 5 years old.

For now, the program is not competitive. Anyone who fits the criteria up to the max number of people allowed in the program will get in. Does that mean first come first serve?

The cost? You're looking at roughly 30-35K (wish I thought to ask if that figure includes getting the above 9 done, or if it's just for nursing). He said that all in all, it's only about 3K more than the traditional 4 year, but it's still expensive. He also said it's new and there is not a lot of support yet, so I wonder if we can expect the cost to go down any time in the future.

My counselor said that he talked to about 20 people who were intersted and out of that 20, only 7 were actually going to apply. The others weren't ready, or the program was too expensive for them. Has anyone heard about the changes that are going to implemented with this new program as well as the traditional program? They keep saying in Novemeber the changes will be solidified and announced...but I am just curious to what it could be...hopefully good changes

but I am just curious to what it could be...hopefully good changes
Yes, like lower tuition or fewer requirements. Maybe extend that science requirement to something like decades instead of 5 years! :lol2:

Hello all - I am wondering if anyone on the board has been accepted to the ASU 2nd Degree program or knows someone who is? Was really interested to see this post last fall about the program, was hoping someone might have an info update. Cheers ;-)

As of right now ASU has postponed the start for the program...the first cohort was suppose to begin this summer. They may try to start it next year, but as of right now it isnt happening. Such a bummer..

Oh, that is a bummer. Hopefully that gets off the ground next year, would like to know that is an option. Thanks for the update ;-)

I spoke to an advisor at ASU, and as of right now, they don't have a program. There has been a grant submitted to offer a program, but she will not hear if she has received funding for it until July/August. Hope this helps!

Did anyone apply for the Spring of 2012? I'm eager to get my letter! Fingers crossed it goes well. :)

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