mccnp prereq changes?

U.S.A. Arizona


I saw a post a while back that mccnp was going to be changing some prereqs to coreqs and was wondering if anyone had heard anything more. Any ideas on what classes may be changed? I am looking forward to any helpful information. Thank you all so much.

Wow! We are all anticipating that news letter. I think it will be very exciting to see the changes made. This will definitely change my game plan and I can apply a semester early if they are adding AP II as a co-req. But I am with everyone else though I kinda wish they were dumping Chm....not really my strong area. Anyone taking AP I online at PC? I could use a study partner?

Well I think we are all getting too excited. Hopefully we dont get disappointed when the newsletter comes out. Wheww, it is January yet?:lol2:

Yeah I tried to ask an advisor and she wasn't budging......I got a text book answer. Either way I hope it's for the better and I know there will probably be a lot of feedback on the board.


It would be nice to submit my application, I hear you there. It just seems like such a long road, doesn't it? I sometimes wonder if I will EVER be done with school. CGCC is my first choice too. I live in Queen Creek, so that would be ideal. However, I am having to broaden my horizons for the Banner program, which I REALLY want to get into to. So, that means maybe commuting to Gateway. Fortunately, I am able to be a little flexible. I can't imagine doing this with 3 kids! I commend you for doing it. Wow. I know it isn't easy. But you can do it! Have you talked to the advisor at CGCC? The advisor is very nice and very helpful. She is the one who told me that they may be changing the pre-req's in January. If you haven't met with her, I recommend that you do. She will go over all of your pre-req's with you and you have to be admitted to CGCC in order to submit your nursing program application. You can just do that online. Just a matter of filling in a form so that you are in their system. You will need to do that at MCC too, same form, but you have to fill one out for EACH college you will be listing on your application, as their systems aren't all tied together. Also make sure you have your fingerprint card and have taken the NET. The advisor suggested I take the NET at least 2.5 months PRIOR to submitting my application, because if for some reason I don't pass I would have to wait 60 days before I would be eligible to take it again. So you don't want to wait until the last minute to take it. You want to give yourself some breathing room if you need to retake it. Also, the fingerprints take at least 6 wks to be processed. So you want to get that done early as well. Anyway, just my 2 cents. I wish you the best of luck!


WHAT?! Seriously? Okay, now I'm freaking out. I've been on the waitlist since early this year, and I'm just now finding out that we need to fill out an application for each and every one of the colleges that we apply to? I thought we could just pick them from the dropdown list on our online application status. Ahh! :uhoh3:

No you don't have to fill out the forms for each CC. You turn in your paperwork to your first choice, but you can pick any of them from the drop down. You do have to turn in seperate paperwork if you have appling for BNFP. Once you get the "stamp", you are good for any of the Maricopa CC programs. Good Luck!;)


Sorry! Let me clarify, the advisor said you had to be registered at the school of 1st choice. However, I was trying to decide between CGCC and Gateway, she said to make sure I was in the system at both. That is NOT the nursing application, only the info form they have you fill out to "register" at that particular campus. Since I am currently attending Rio, I hadn't filled out that form for CGCC or Gateway, which I did as I hadn't decided which one I was going to choose as my primary. Anyway, sorry for the confusion.

Now in response to the pre-req's I attended the Banner NFP info session this afternoon and January 2nd is the date the new newsletter and application for the nursing program will be available. The MCCD nursing rep wouldn't really say what was changing, of course, but she did say that nothing is being removed, only moved. Whatever that means. Also, the majority of the changes are going to be in the application process itself, not in the actual courses. From some of the questions asked and the way she answered it sounds like Anatomy 202 will now be a co-req, not a pre-req, but again, she didn't want to answer definately as things are still in "process". So, that may not be the case. We just won't know unit Jan 2nd!


Did you do your science classes at Rio? How was it? It looks like a ton of busy work. Just curious because I may have to take some stuff there and cgcc at the same time but I am really worried that it may be 20x harder than it needs to be. Any helpful info would be great. How was the info session? I heard it was really hard to get placed in the banner nfp.

I took Chem 130 at Phoenix College with the lady teacher.. It was fun and I got a B


I took Chem 130 at Phoenix College with the lady teacher.. It was fun and I got a B

If you don't mind, can you PM me with the teachers name and also tell me how your experience was. I am terrified of taking Chm and it would be nice to have a decent teacher.




Did you do your science classes at Rio? How was it? It looks like a ton of busy work. Just curious because I may have to take some stuff there and cgcc at the same time but I am really worried that it may be 20x harder than it needs to be. Any helpful info would be great. How was the info session? I heard it was really hard to get placed in the banner nfp.


I have taken all my science classes at Rio. It is ALOT of work. I am actually debating taking chemistry at Rio or at one of the traditional classes at another college. It is a ton of work. If you have a good instructor, it is good, however, if not, it really makes the class unbearable. I have had an awesome instructor for microbio. There positives and negatives to doing it online. If you do online classes, you just have to be really disciplined, and plan on putting at LEAST 16-20 hours a wk into the class. Plus, you don't have the advantage of an instructor lecturing and giving you input, etc. Instead you pretty much have to read EVERYTHING, know EVERTYTHING for the exams. They can pull up some pretty obscure stuff. LIke the syllabus says, everything is fair game. The up side is, you don't have to sit in class and you can basically work on your own time. You are able to email the instructor and ask questions and get feedback. Again, if you have a great instructor, like I have now, that is the key to success in the class. However, if you have one that won't email back for a few days, or doesn't really give you any helpful feedback, then you just kind of have to fend for yourself, which isn't very productive. I have had both. LIke I said, my instructor now, for microbio, is awesome and that has been extremely helpful in doing well in the class. I am not going to lie, it is a lot of work though. But, it is what I can do. I just don't have a flexible schedule to be able to go to a traditional class, so Rio has worked for me. Also, they have classes starting, for the most part, every 2 wks, so there are more options. That has been key for me to be able to get my pre-req's done. I don't have to wait for January and September to start a class. I am taking anatomy 201 in January, through Rio. It doesn't look too bad. If you do take a class through Rio, just be prepared to write ALOT. No matter which class you take, you have to do essay assignments.

In regards to BNF, the info session was very helpful. It is very competative and hard to get in. But, if you do get in the program, it is a great program. Plus, you can bypass the MCCD waitlist. I don't mind committing to Banner for 3 yrs, because that is who I wanted to work for anyway. They look at EVERY application submitted and interview everyone who submits an application. If you get accepted they will find a place for you. It isn't a "lottery" or "wait list" system like MCCD. They look at GPA (nursing pre-req's only), your NET scores, your essay questions (on the application), your interview, etc. So, yes it is competative, but it wasn't as daunting as I was thinking it would be. I was very encouraged.

Hope this helps!

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