Arizona Mayo New Grad Program



I applied to the Arizona Mayo New Grad program on March 1 when the application opened, and I was wondering if anyone has heard back yet?! It's been 3 weeks today, I would love to work at Mayo, so I'm constantly checking my application status. Mine hasn't changed, still just says "application received". Anyone else have anything different to report?

Thanks and good luck!

Thanks! And good luck!

I applied for both. My critical care app says in application in review and my med-surg application says application received. =)

Thank you!! You too! Go Pats!!!

You are welcome. Good luck to all of us:)

hi, aliboballie, do u know how many people will they call for interview? and when is ur interview? Mine is at mid-April.

Hi paulinezy25, I'm not sure! They didn't give me a ton of information, but my interview is early April. I'm starting to get nervous about it!

hi, aliboballie, Thanks for replying. Good luck to us:)

Specializes in ICU, ED, PICC.

Well unfortunately I wasn't selected... I was selected for a phone interview last time (phone interview mainly because I'm from CA)... Oh well, I guess Mayo Clinic isn't meant for me.

Sooo since I am not competition with you guys anymore, I'll be happy to share with you what I can remember of my phone interview :) Just send me a PM.

I got my rejection email today, too :(

Oh well, hopefully I'll hear something more positive from my other applications. Good luck to everyone interviewing!

Hi, tashacorinne, How do I PM? It would be really nice if you would share your interview experience with me. I will really appreciate it!
Specializes in ICU, ED, PICC.

It looks like you are a new member and I don't think you are allowed to PM quite yet. I'll see if I can send you one :)

Hi tashacorinne,

You are right. I am allowed to send PM since I am a new member. But I got your PM message. Thank you for your willingness to help. Any Advice would be helpful.

Hi tashacorrine,

I'm not able to send you a PM either so if you could send me any advice or your interview questions, I'd really appreciate it :)

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