Are TB antibodies passed from mother to child?

Nurses General Nursing


It is my understanding that (generally speaking) people with inactive tuberculosis have the mycobacteria, but the bacteria is in an inactive form or the person's immune system is able to keep it bay. The person has anti-bodies for the bacteria, and the presence of those anti-bodies is what makes the skin-test come back positive.

My question- Can a mother with inactive tb pass tb anti-bodies to her baby either through the placenta or through her breast milk?

I've spent a lot of time searching online, and cannot find the answer. Most of the sites say that mothers with active tb can pass it to their baby, but that's not my question.

Your insight would be appreciated. Thanks!

Thank you klone, BSN, RN, that is exactly my question, and worded much better. I will definitely try those search terms.

Specializes in Nurse Leader specializing in Labor & Delivery.

So you don't think the baby would receive any antibodies from the mother, regardless of whether the baby is producing it's own?

Specializes in Nurse Leader specializing in Labor & Delivery.
So you don't think the baby would receive any antibodies from the mother, regardless of whether the baby is producing it's own?

Did anyone suggest that? I think, knowing what I know about lactation and perinatology, that baby receives pretty much every antibody the mother produces, both through the placenta, as well as breastmilk.

I can only find a study on badgers, but I'll be content with it. Thanks again for your help.

"The probability of BCG being transferred from mother to cub via suckling or across the placenta (vertical transmission) is extremely low as there is no evidence of excretion and minimal evidence of dissemination of BCG in vaccinated individuals [50]."

PLOS ONE: BCG Vaccination Reduces Risk of Tuberculosis Infection in Vaccinated Badgers and Unvaccinated Badger Cubs

I couldn't locate anything on transmission of antibodies for TB from mother to newborn, but there's plenty of transmission of the disease from mother to baby.

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