Are my stats competitive?

Nursing Students SRNA


Hey guys,

I am currently in the process of applying to CRNA schools. They include: MUSC, NC at Charlotte, university of Maryland Baltimore, Gonzaga University WA, and Duke University. My stats are below. Do I even have a fighting chance?

-BSN GPA: 3.7 (2nd degree)

-B.A. in Biology GPA: 3.5. (With Organic and biochemistry)

-GRE cumulative 301 (301 VERBAL, 300 MATH, 3 writing)


- almost 2 years CVICU (ECMO/IABP/ LVAD/ Impella/Arctic sun therapy/CRRT)

-Just starting precepting

Your stats are average. I would say that the science background helps. You seem to be applying to big name universities that are likely accepting the cream of the crop. CV experience is bar-none the best. 2 years is a little light but it truly depends on your acuity (seems you have a high acuity population).

Some of these schools will be interested in your "science GPA"

Your math on on the GRE scoring seems off you got a 301 and 300 respectively on the math and verbal sections? Maybe this was a typo?

Don't limit yourself to applying to big schools. Small universities have a lot to offer and often have more diverse and autonomous clinical experiences than those located in resident/fellow heavy urban areas.

Good Luck- God Bless.

I had a typo for my GREs. I meant:

GRE total = 301


Math= 150

Writing = 3

Will the GRE hurt me?

Your stats are more than adequate. You'll for sure receive interview invites.

Agree with ICUman. Stats look great. They will love your biology bachelors . Now start preparing for interviews....because your stats get you the interview, but the interview gets you into the program!

Depends on schools you apply to. Apply more than one school, you will get interview invites

I think your stats look great and you'll get an interview. I would say go ahead and get your CSC, not a hard test if you're in CV and have already taken the CCRN, just study the $10 packet from the AACN and whatever CV stuff you studied for CCRN and you should be golden. Also might consider CMC, I feel having both of these certs will far outweigh your GRE score (actually the same as mine, other than I got a 4 on the writing), but I applied to a school that didn't care too much about the GRE.

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