Published Aug 8, 2005
Nascar nurse, ASN, RN
2,218 Posts
Hi. Keep reading all these threads about RN to BSN online prgrams. I have learned a ton of useful information - thanks to all of you that have done SO MUCH research into all of this. I am specifically looking towards to univ. of Wy, but I can't figure out if I can do all the pre-reqs online too? does anyone know? I have an email out to them and will re-post their answer if I can get one. Thanks
mona b RN, BSN, RN
769 Posts
I can't imagine why you couldn't take online courses to satisfy the prerequisites, especially for an online program like UOW. I would definitely ask them though becasue colleges tend to have different rules/policies.
Good Luck :)
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,700 Posts
Florida Hopsital offers their co-reqs (there aren't pre-reqs as long as you have an ADN already, you can start the program) online.
Good luck.
missnurse01, MSN, RN
1,280 Posts
hey srigg, i have applied at u of wy and sent many emails trying to figure this out! i guess b/c i am not completely admitted (still waiting for a couple or transcripts to get there) i am guessing they are not much talking to me! if u find out this info please post here or email me! thanks!