Published Nov 15, 2010
196 Posts
Hi. I'm not tryi g to start a war but I'm a Lpn trying to decide between the two careers. I have shadowed both and know what each does. However, I'm at a crossroads with school. Even though most of the prereqs for both overlap, there are som differences. Therefore I don't want to spend time taking classes for one career path and end the end not find a job. Just looking for some insight to this dilemma. Thanks
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,275 Posts
When you shadowed, what were the NPs and PAs saying about job situations in your area?
I work in a large nephrology practice and we have 2 FNPs, 1 PA and me, a CNS doing the same exact jobs: rounding on dialysis pts.
linearthinker, DNP, RN
1,688 Posts
I am actively looking for an NP job right now, and all of the postings I see would accept either NP or PA. What I am finding is that no one wants a new grad NP or PA. Minimum exp here is 3-5 years. My school has about 20 openings throughout the med center, each say licensed NP or PA, all want min 3 years exp. My questions is, if my own schools med center (which is huge, nationally known, tertiary care and research ctr w/multiple campuses and affiliated offices) wont hire me, who will????? Cant get a job teaching either. All I hear is that everyone is desperate for nsg instructors, but I can't even get a job as a clinical instructor b/c I don't have an edu degree. Im getting depressed.
594 Posts
wow linearthinker, I hope that you find something soon. It seems as if everyone is getting their NP (at least where I work), so market saturation is a concern of mine as I also pursue my FNP. Seems like nursing as a whole is over saturated, so employers can pick and choose who they want to hire. I hope things change in 2 years. Dont think my body is going to hold up doing floor/ed nursing much longer. I am also quite disappointed with NP salaries in my area, but that is another discussion............