Are there any jobs around for new grads??

U.S.A. Massachusetts


I just graduated Salem State University in May 2010 and passed the NCLEX September 2010. I have been looking everywhere and no one will hire a new grad, especially someone that never worked in a hospital. I have been nannying the whole time I have been in school. Does anyone know of anyplace on the north shore that will hire a new grad rn bsn?? It's crazy that we put all this hard work and money and time in to school just to be jobless after graduation!!

Please help!!! :uhoh3:

Specializes in Sub-Acute/Psychiatric/Detox.

Take what you can get here and or Move.

Being brutally honest here. As a new grad you start out small part-time and work your way up. Your main goal in this market is not to become a stale grad.

Throw any ideas out the window you may have about being a super trauma, pediatric or any other specialty right now.

In Health Care right now people aren't knocking on your door anymore.

Be prepared to drive. Don't limit yourself to 5 miles and stay out of Boston. You could try to get a job in Boston.

Military is also an Option. Public Health Service (Part of the Surgeon General) also.

Specializes in Pediatrics, ER.

I feel your pain. I graduated from Salem State in 2008 and it took me nine months to find a fulltime job, and I had to commute to NH for it. Your best option is to move. I hate to say it but there aren't any new grad positions opening any time soon, and without any CNA experience you have minimal networking ability.

I feel your pain. I graduated from Salem State in 2008 and it took me nine months to find a fulltime job, and I had to commute to NH for it. Your best option is to move. I hate to say it but there aren't any new grad positions opening any time soon, and without any CNA experience you have minimal networking ability.

So to work in New Hampshire did you have to transfer your license? If you take the NCLEX in MA how do you work in a different state??

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.
So to work in New Hampshire did you have to transfer your license? If you take the NCLEX in MA how do you work in a different state??

Endorse is the main way to work in another state. There is the compact license as long as the state participates in it and you maintain permanent residence in that state whilst working in another compact state. ie AZ license with permanent residence in AZ working in TX but maintaining permanent residence in AZ. If however you give up permanent residency in AZ and move to TX then you have to apply to TX for license and endorse

try one of the state hospitals, they still hire new grads in either RN I or RN II positions.

Specializes in ED, Pedi Vasc access, Paramedic serving 6 towns.
Endorse is the main way to work in another state. There is the compact license as long as the state participates in it and you maintain permanent residence in that state whilst working in another compact state. ie AZ license with permanent residence in AZ working in TX but maintaining permanent residence in AZ. If however you give up permanent residency in AZ and move to TX then you have to apply to TX for license and endorse

NH is a compact state, but MA is not. Visit the NH board of nursing website which gives details on how to get a license in NH, its not easy, and involved fingerprints etc.... Good luck...

BTW: I do not think the job market is anybetter in NH unless you go more towards the Concord hospital and north area, I think Dartmouth does a lot of hiring...


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