AR to AD


Specializes in ER/Critical Care.

Hi all!

i've really been contemplating going to AD from AR. Reasons being numerous, but some include

1>) totally different clientele

2>) want publice health nurse identifier

3>) kids need a change

4>) I need a change

5>) cant seem to locate ft employment, here in NE and working 24 hours per week just isnt doing it

Anyway, what I want is a guaranteed slot in the 66B course (public health nurse course) and my incentives to stay the same or better (meaning slrp and bonus (not expecting inc. in bonus though and nor do I really care)

I am going to talk to my recruiter in a couple of weeks at drill. It will be the same recruiter I used to get in USAR. Anyway, can you all think of anything I should really pay attention to???? My recruiter is a straight shooter so I am not worried about him pulling wool over my eyes.

Also, I have just started working on MPH (through AMU)..... it was suggested that I wait until getting MPH then go AD??? Any input about that? (thinking was that I would then be guaranteed 66B)

thanks in advance

Specializes in ICU- adults, Flight RN peds/neo.


Well, I would wonder if HSD (who gives you the indentifier) would want at least a years experience before giving you the Public Health ASI. That is the usual criteria I believe.

Just having a Masters in PH, might not be enough without experience.....but I could be wrong.

The reason I say this, is because I HAD a critical care ASI (8A) in Reserves and they took it away when I accessed to Active. I have my CCRN (Adults and Peds) and 4 yrs of Adult ICU, but because my last 2 yrs have been in Peds/NEO Critical care (flight nurse) DOESN'T count to "their 8A....which is Adult only". Even my recruiter did not know this. (I have yet to find this in writing and it is going to the Colonel for review. But it sucks, because I have only ever been an ICU nurse.....and it prevents me from getting ISP pay).

For you, I would think hard about whether you want to wait and go to graduate school on their timeline or yours. If you go to school prior to accessing, it will be on your dime (with some help from Strap maybe), if you wait......they will tell you when and if you can go to graduate school.

That being said, I am PCSing to San Antonio in 3 weeks to start the CRNA program and I am VERY excited. All in All it has been a fairly easy process, but I have been ULTRA-vigilant about all my paperwork.

Good luck,

Call your recruiter today......don't wait until drill.


Specializes in EMT, ER, Homehealth, OR.

When you talk with the recruiter ask about getting the 66B school in writing as part of your contract. I am going on AD from AR soon and had a course guaranteed written in my contract. If you plan on going AD after school, look closely into STRAP unless it has changed you have to do the pay back time in the reserves.

Specializes in ER/Critical Care.

How much and what paperwork is involved???? OI cant imagine it being worse than the initial paperwork required for commissioning AR.

Specializes in ICU- adults, Flight RN peds/neo.
How much and what paperwork is involved???? OI cant imagine it being worse than the initial paperwork required for commissioning AR.

Not worse, just more of the same. More letters of recommendation 3-5(specifically for Active duty), updated CV, OER, another personal statement and the plethora of documents associated with your "conditional release from reserves"--letter from Cheif Nurse, Commanding Officer, CV, Letter of intent, etc. (The 368 form takes up 90 days to process, and they wont board you without it).

It seems like a long process, but maybe its only 4-6months in reality.

Good Luck,

Have you looked at the ANC website to see if they are offering "deals for PH nurses, ie incentives/schooling"?


Specializes in ER/Critical Care.

your info.........

aoc / asi producing courses

public health nursing course (66b) (principles of preventive medicine 6a-f5 and sexually transmitted disease 6h-f9):

course poc: questions about this course should be directed to hrc career manager for 66bs, ltc jenifer constantian, (703) 325-2391, [email protected]

course location: amedd c&s, fort sam houston, tx

length: 9 weeks

overview: this course is designed to provide army medical department (amedd) officers with the skills and knowledge to function in preventive medicine specialty areas at an entry level. the course is tailored to provide uniquely different training to six specialty officer groups: (1) public health nurses (phn's), (2) environmental science/sanitary engineers, (3) medical corps/veterinary corps/physician assistant (mc/vc/pa), (4) entomologists (ento), (5) nuclear medical science officers (nmso), and (6) audiologists.

scope: course content includes the following areas: community health practices, communicable and infectious diseases, operational preventive medicine, epidemiology, statistics, medical entomology, industrial hygiene, health physics, sanitary engineering, and environmental science. preventive medicine core topics provide a broad overview of each of the specialty areas for all students, preparing them to function as part of a multi-disciplinary team. each specialty group also receives additional instruction in appropriate specialty topics, preparing them to function independently at an entry level within their specialties.

eligibility: an officers should have a minimum of three years of medical-surgical nursing experience prior to attendance. all officers must complete phase i sexually transmitted disease course by correspondence prior to attendance at 6a-f5, principles of preventive medicine. phase ii std will be scheduled for the week immediately preceding 6a-f5.

application instructions: active duty enrollment is coordinated through an branch, hrc (instructions below)

*reserve officers should contact their reserve education poc.

*civilians should contact their local mtf nursing leadership.

hrc army nurse corps education and training officer

maj editha ruiz


[email protected]

more information

army nurse corps homepage

Specializes in ICU- adults, Flight RN peds/neo.

Hi arRNmy,

MAJ Ruiz is great, I talk with her alot.

But I was thinking more on the terms of "an accession contract to send you to graduate school--for Masters in Nursilng Public Health". In my program at U of Colorado, there were 3 from the military.

I don't see a Public Health Masters--direct accession (like the military CRNA program USAGPAN).....but you might want to ask MAJ Ruiz. Otherwise (I think) you will have to be active for a while, then apply. Either way it is a good deal, because you are PAID to go to school.


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