APU ELM Summer 2019

Nursing Students School Programs


Hey all, just wondering who else plans on applying to this upcoming cycle since the deadline is coming up. I actually applied to the spring term, interviewed, but did not get accepted. Hopefully it works out this time :)

I actually i applied last cycle for the Spring, but i ended up getting acceped for the summer 2019 :). I got a email saying the status on my account changed to student, and then I called them to confirm over the phone, and I received an email from them later.

what about inland empire campus?

I read over the 2019 spring thread, and it seems the IE took the longest with the decision.. no rejection letter means there is still hope:)

This thread is not very active compared to the previous cohorts.. is that because not too many people have applied this cohort?

I heard that Summer is usually not as many applicants so could be why the thread isn't as many people...I'm anxiously awaiting to hear from IE campus myself so like you said no rejection letter hopefully means hope is still alive

Looking the previous thread, i dont think they notify all their decision at once.. it does come in waves.

Anyone else get accepted to San Diego, just for them to tell you that you've been accepted in Summer 2020....2 YEARS FROM NOW

@Alexleigh6 WOW, that is a long wait! Did they tell you that if a spot came open you could start earlier? Congrats even if the wait is quite a bit longer. I haven't heard anything back yet and I am starting to get a bit bummed, I also applied for the SD campus. No worries though, I will apply again if I don't get in : )

Yes! They said I was guaranteed for summer 2020 but if a spot opens up I can go into fall 2019 or spring 2020. I guess there were so many good applicants that they had to go into several cohorts out so that they didn't have to deny a bunch of people. Good luck!

yes alex! i was so happy to get accepted too but im going in spring 2020 lol

Hi everyone! I just got my decision letter and I have been accepted to the San Diego campus for summer 2019! I cannot wait for this journey and to get to meet the rest of this cohort!

I just found out that i got into azusa campus for the fall2019 cohort!!

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