Applying to UC - Denver for Spring 2014 UCAN Program

U.S.A. Colorado


Hello Everyone,

I started this thread for everyone applying to the University of Colorado Denver University of Colorado Accelerated Nursing program starting in January 2014. This will be my third time applying, so I'm hoping the third time is the charm! The application is due June 15th. I also had interviews for the last two cycles and saw that the interview is tentatively scheduled for July 26, 2013. Is anyone else applying this cycle? I look forward to sharing the ups and downs of the admission cycle this time around!

I got an interview also! This was my third time applying, and I am so excited and nervous now! I hope they will admire my persistence. I'm planning on also applying to Metro too, but there seems to be a good chance that I might here the final word on this program before applications close there.

I also received an interview. I was actually really surprised because this is my first time applying and I don't have a ton of pre-reqs completed. Does anyone who's interviewed before remember how long the whole process was? Was it in the morning or afternoon?

Hi All,

I also got the interview for the UCAN program and am quite shocked - and of course, thrilled!

To any prospective students this who is intimidated by GPA's thrown around on here, mine was below what people have said the average is for the UCAN program. I think my essay probably stood out as I have experience with underserved communities but other than that - I am perplexed!

Best of luck to you all - I look forward to meeting some of you in Denver!

What kind of questions did they ask you? I am curious how they get to know us any better if they shoot out questions that apply to anybody in the group. You'd think they would want to ask us specific questions about our application or our specific experiences. That's hard to do with 3 other people there.

Thanks, eliott237 for starting this blog. I know the interviewing process is a nerve racking time (saying this from current experience) so it's nice to know you're in the same arena with a lot of great people who care about how it's all going to go.

All of these suggestions are great! For all of you people who feel like you have great qualifications but maybe not the right experience, take what you have and run with it! If we are going to succeed in this program, we'll have to lean on each other's strengths, so figure out what you know and how it's going to be beneficial. And then the harder part, try to figure out what you don't know and keep talking to people to see how you can find that out! If I could ad anything at all, having worked in a clinic or hospital now for 1.5 years, there is a LOT to know as a nurse and a ton of things that we will pick up whether it's getting to know all the terminology of the supplies that we use at the hospital, or getting to know your co-workers and their strengths/personalities so that you know how to work best WITH then (being part of a team in the hospital sometimes feels like the ONLY way to keep your sanity when the demands are crazy), and additionally learning all of the techniques from catheter placement to proper use of PPE to medications (when to use them and what they are for).

I think one of the things that will make us more comfortable in this scenario and prepared for school is knowing as much of this before going in as possible. Spend some time reading blogs about specialties that you are interested in, if you don't already have experience, VOLUNTEER! I used to work in assisted living and the ratio of care workers to patients didn't allow us much free time to do fun things with the residents. I can't tell you how many old people there are out there that could just stand to have someone talk with them for an hour, learn about their past and what they loved, and maybe just paint their finger nails or something! You'll get easy insight into how those places are run, the routines that the care workers and nurses have, and the obstacles they see in the homes. As future nurses, we have a wide variety of sick people that we will be working with and if you have an idea of the types of people you know you want to work with and how you can make a difference for you, that will give you a HUGE confidence boost because you'll have personal stories you can reflect on!

I apologize for being so long winded, but I think, if you know what you want, have confidence in it, ask a LOT of questions and be willing to 'get your hands dirty and try something new' (as they say) Good luck to everyone! Hope to see you all there in January!

P.S. I know as the process moves on, past cohorts have made facebook pages to get to know one another. I plan on going there to see if the page has already been made or not.

Also ac1125, there are a few hotels around the Northfields mall area @ I-70 and Quebec, and if you're still looking for a hotel, it's a 10 or 15 minute straight shot to the Anschutz campus and the intersection listed above should be easy to reach from the DIA airport.


Thank you so much for all of the positive insights!

A facebook page would be great, so thank you so much for your effort!

Haha thanks nurseKG#6 , but I didn't start the thread. I hope I can wow them with my extensive knowledge of buffers and flow cytometry data. I think you're right though, I have some experience in the hospital but not nearly as much as others so we as a class will need eachother for help quite often. I can bring a good science base and knowledge of bench science that might be needed to help those who don't quite understand how studies are conducted, etc.

Hello everyone! Thanks for the insight. It's good to read everyone's perspective. It makes me feel like I'm not alone in this anticipation and excitement. I received an interview invite a week ago by e-mail. It's my second time applying but this time I finally have all of the pre-reqs. I feel like I am a long shot and I am taking nothing for granted. In what I've read in previous posts of last year's admissions process, it sounds like there is a possibility of doing a Skype interview. I'm currently deployed to SW Asia w/ the AF until the early Fall. It will be a huge bummer if I'm DQ'd for not attending interview day. I would love to be there though. CU is my #1. Congrats to everyone wanting to be a nurse, we'll get there eventually. I hope to see everyone in the Spring!

Wow mfallona That would be quite a flight out just for the interview. I hope they do allow the skype version for you guys who are far far away.

I don't have the Anatomy requirement done yet but I'm enrolled this fall at Community college of Denver. I hope they don't see that as a weakness. I'm hoping they looked at my transcript, saw I got good grades in Organic Chem and biochem and will give me a pass, Hah!

Anyway, I know we're all going to do great! Good luck to all of you!

I got an interview as well. Anyways, I was supposed to complete my microbiology class this summer but I dropped it. I plan to retake it in Fall (2013). Would they still consider me? I was planning on withdrawing my application and reapply next year. Does this sound like a reasonable move? So.... confuse!!!

Reese1982. It says you can take up to two classes the semester before school starts. One can be statistics one can be a science. So your fine. The info is on their website. Don't withdrawal!! As for anyone else out there that got an interview would you mind disclosing your prerequisite GpA. I didn't get an interview and I'm pretty sure it's because of that gpa being so low. Ill apply for the two year and if I can't make it, ill have to retake three of the five classes because they expire. :( congrats to everyone that got an interview.

Jenbun02, thanks for the prompt reply! I will hang in there then. I'm sorry you haven't gotten any letter :(. My overall GPA is ~ 3.0 and my prerequisite GPA is 4.0 (still have microbiology left though).
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