Published Aug 10, 2009
165 Posts
Are you applying to Brookhaven for spring 2010? If so how many points do you have? Have you taken your Hesi A2 yet? If so how did you study. Was the A&P section hard. I took my A&P like 7 years ago. I have all the support courses out of the way except End of Life Issues. I am really hoping to score well on the Hesi... that will either make it break it for me.
164 Posts
Everytime someone mentions 'BrookHaven', I immediately think of the famous clinic in NYC treating the super-obese.
techraider77, ADN, BSN
157 Posts
Applying with 34.5 points, 91 on HESI. All support courses done except taking Dosages now. A&P section wasn't as hard as I thought, but I had just finished both of them. Good Luck!!!!
24 Posts
Does anyone know when the nursing office plans on sending out admission status emails? I know tomorrow we will get an email on the status of application points and the DCCCD website says that admission status emails will go out December 11th; is this true? Do we really have to wait THAT LONG??? I was just curious if anyone had heard different. Thanks!
Yes it's usually that long. Keep yourself busy and it'll go by fast.
I just received my first email confirming step closer now that I know my points were accurate and no problems thus far!!! I sure wish it was the email for admissions!!! The wait...oh the wait!!!
I hope that there is a very few applicants this year!
That makes two of us Alum08!! I was reading some of the past posts from previous years (for spring admission) and it seemed like everyone knew there status by mid November....I hope that is the case for us!!!
I read a lot of the posts too - and it seems like there was a lot of applicants and I tried searching for Brookhaven Spring 2010 - and there isn't many of us this time around.
My thoughts exactly! Lets keep our fingers and toes crossed!!!
Just letting everyone know that I called and talked to A.C. at Brookhaven and she said that admission status emails should go out early next week. She said that they did not have very many disputes and has just about everything wrapped up for Spring 2010 admissions!!! I am so nervous, anxious, excited.... I hope, hope, hope I get in..I am just afraid that this will be THE year that points are really high and competitive. Anyways, just thought you all would like to checking emails next week and post if you got in and with how many points. Best of luck to each and everyone of you!!!!
Hey all, this is the week!!!