Anything negative to say about nursing?


hey all :)

I was online the other day and came across a forum about nursing. Someone had asked how many people actually like their jobs as a nurse and are happy with their career choice. Well, the people who responded, who all claimed to be nurses, were not only venting about their jobs...they were almost convincing other people not to go into nursing.

Oddly enough, the forum was called "pros and cons on being an RN" and out of maybe 500+ responses, I can only remember one or two posts being about RNs who listed some pro's and said sure it's a tough job but at the end of the day they were satisfied with what they did from day to day. Everyone else complained about how it's such strenuous work and the pay should be a lot more than it is and how patients are so ungrateful and blah blah blah...

Is there anyone who has anything that negative to say about the point where they would'nt recommend it as a career choice? I figured, you try it out and if it's not for you then you work out a way to get another career, right? These people had been nurses for a while, or so they stated, and never once said they wanted to quit...but the way they talked about being a nurse you'd think it was the worst thing ever! :confused:

Are you sure that wasn't on this website? I'm pretty sure I read that one not too long ago.

the one thing I hate about nursing is that other nurses lying on each other and ignorantnurse aids who do nothing but sit on tere fat a a matter of a fact its kinda made may life hellish dont go into nursing for the money elevator repairman makes more, also prepare iyourself for nasty dons/adons who are probably transplants of some stupid on line nursing school grad using every tactic in the book the get you in trouble if your not there race.Nurses aid you must kiss there butts, or they will get you fired there worth more than the nurse , also long hours poopy benefits,your just a cog in the wheel ,do more withless and get done or else. keep things stocked ad neat for those ingrates god forbid the divas cart isnot stockedOh forget raises hmm 25 cents and job satisfaction wheres that overworked undepaided no respect racial ignorant attitudes florence nightengale is rolling over in her grave.

I am not a nurse, but I would think you may here more negative things because those who feel that way or have bad experiences are more likely going to be the ones who are venting. Think of all the nurses who love their job. You just might not here as much from those ones. It's kind of like a restaurant review - your more likely to see negative ones because those are the people who will be thinking of what awful service they got, rather than enjoying themsevles and not thinking about it. :)

Specializes in Peds Hem, Onc, Med/Surg.

No matter what job you go for, it can be the easiest job in the world and someone will always say how bad it, how much they hate it, etc, yet THEY never quit. I think the only way to find out is to try it out for yourself. Not everyone's perception of nursing is the same, and trust me you will find people all across the spectrum some will LOVE LOVE LOVE IT, and some Hate with a fire worse than the sun. Its just the way it goes.

I have good and bad days. I would say nursing and I have a love/hate relationship.

I would not recommend nursing to anyone. But, as a matter of fairness, I do live in an area that has three times the national rate of prescription narcotic addiction. This alone can make the difference between a mediocre to good job and and a hellish one. Most of my days are hellish. And the majority of that can be traced right back to drug addicts and seeker behavior.

Specializes in Staff Nurse-OB primary.

What we are seeing the integrity of nursing being lost in the many changes that have led us to the present state of the profession of nurses. In the past 30+ years I have worked with a majority of nurses who are feeling the extraction of their energy into a system tied to money, usury, corporate rules and the legal system. It is being run by intellectuals who have chosen to deny, avoid, or hide from the original ideal of our roles as healers. What you are hearing is the whale of the people who are at the working end of the machine.......the deliverer of all of this madness.....the practicing nurses in the field. The sacrifice is becoming less and less tolerable.

We have become no more than technicians of the machine - business, technology, pharmacology, intellectualism, and the legal system. There has been an an attempt along the way to change this by the introduction of alternative methods of treatment but they are so "managed" it is difficult to get any application accepted in the the system.

In working with other nurses, I sense the despair.........too heavy of a work load as nurses have chosen to leave for their own survival, too much paper work to protect themselves from the legal demons, too little respect by management, peers, including physicians, and patients. Consumer driven care has led to this. Poorly educated consumerism at that. We live in a debt driven society and someone has to pay.

It is time for change. It is time for each of us to soul search our own intention and motives for why we continue in this profession. If we don't it will lead to an even greater effect to the detriment of all of health care, if it can be called that. There are many things that we can do for ourselves, as we are all needed. We must foster this in each other as no one else is going to. We are to be honored for what we have chosen to do in the drama of the human condition which is deteriorating rapidly. By finding this within our own minds and hearts we will grow stronger or fall into the quagmire of confusion present in our world that is experiencing massive changes.

By using and applying the new information that is being discovered and proven through quantum physics we can gain a new perspective on who we are as humans and our relation to the world we live in. We must remain open, honest and allowing to have the eyes to "see" and the ears to "hear", within ourselves first and then apply this to the art of healing. We are more than we have believed we are by far. :redbeathe

I actually found the forum on, not on this site. I know it's something I'll have to try out on my own before I know whether or not I like it; which is why I'm only starting out as a CNA and not diving head first into going to nursing school and investing so much time, effort and money into it. I'd like to start from the bottom and work my way up according to how much I do or don't feel comfortable with it.

It was just really sad to read what people had to say. They weren't sugar coating it in the least, which might be a good thing. But it def. scared the bageezees outta me! However, it is very true what chicookie had to's like that in every field. People will love it and others will hate. That's just life.

Specializes in Pediatric Pulmonology and Allergy.

I've been on this board for quite a while (3 years), from when I first started thinking about nursing. I've seen a wide range of comments and opinions here about nursing. Many people are happy with their jobs, many are not, and lots of people have posted cautionary tales. It's good to read a range of opinions so you know what you're getting yourself into and what to look out for. Oh, and find work in a hospital, whether paid or volunteer, if you really want a sense of whehter this is for you.

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