Anyone work for OptumHealth / UnitedHealth Group?


Hello All,

Does anyone work for (or know someone who works for) OptumHealth / UnitedHealth Group? I am strongly considering applying for a position with them (for RN Case Manager).

I have three main questions -

1. Do you enjoy your job?

2. What does your job entail?

3. What is the average salary for a RN Case Manager at OptumHealth / UnitedHealth Group?

Any input you have on the questions above (or any other information you have) would be much appreciated!

Thanks so much!

Amanda :redbeathe


I worked for the company and although the pay and benefits are good (around $65,000/yr) the work and expectations are unrealistic. You're expected to met a quota as far as the number of members you enroll in the case management program and then you have to show how you were able to make an impact on the member's health based on your teaching, education etc.


1) Office setting, usually no weekends, holidays or late nights but from what I'm hearing from friends that I know that still work there, that's changing.

2) Some locations allow you to work from home after adequate performance is seen in the office.

3) UHC/Optum is know for compensating their employees well. You will and can receive spot bonuses, raises etc. but again if you meet the required metrics, quotas/goals.


1) Unrealistic goals

2) Computer screen shots and calls are monitored and are throughly scrutinized. Calls are evaluated based on call tone, manner, professional etc. You receive monthly evaluations on your call and suggestions for improvement. Even when you follow the suggestions, it's still not good enough.

3) Things change constantly from management to policies.

Overall, not a bad company and I've considered returning but NOT to Optum. Other areas I hear are not as stressful. Good luck on whatever you decide.

I worked with United Healthcare for 10 yrs. I received commendations, bonuses and other perks for 8 out of the 10 yrs. The last 2 yrs were with Optum Healthcare. Optum was terrible to work for. I never felt so micro-managed and unappreciated like I did there. I put in 12-14 hrs days and never saw a bonus. I agree with previous post 100%>> They have very very Unrealistic goals; yes they do monitor everything. Computer screen shots and calls are monitored and are thoroughly scrutinized. Calls are evaluated based on call tone, manner, professional etc. You receive monthly evaluations on your calls and suggestions for improvement. Even when you follow the suggestions, it's still not good enough. Things change constantly from management to policies. My 00.02

Wow! Thanks so much for your responses Angeleyes & nevergonnagiveup!! Scratch that application! ;)

It sounds like there are some insurances companies that are good to work for? ... Sounds like UHC is good. Any experience with Humana or others?

My ultimate goal is to get a work-from-home position (optimally part-time, but would take full-time). Thanks again for your responses!


Does anyone have suggestions of how to get your foot in the door at UnitedHealthcare or any contacts at United Healthcare? I would like to work there as a Clinical Investigator LVN, I've been interviewed by 2 different hiring mgrs, but after waiting on a decision for weeks to months, the job is either no longer available & another posting for the same job is listed on the company website again, but with a different job ID#.

I work as an NP for Optum, the work is enjoyable, and expectations are reasonable. I am expected to do 7 house calls in a 10 hour day, it is about once a month when I work more than 10 hours, usually due to a very sick individual with many teaching opportunities. I get spot checked for quality purposes, but my scores are averaging 95%. I work independently from my home and see my manager 2-3 times per year. Bonuses are easily obtained, I got a bonus the first quarter I worked, even while learning the system and requirements. The schedule is flexible, all self scheduled, and compensation is above the national average. It was the best decision I ever made was to work for them. When was the last time you got to spend up to and hour with a patient discussing their health?

I work as an NP for Optum, the work is enjoyable, and expectations are reasonable. I am expected to do 7 house calls in a 10 hour day, it is about once a month when I work more than 10 hours, usually due to a very sick individual with many teaching opportunities. I get spot checked for quality purposes, but my scores are averaging 95%. I work independently from my home and see my manager 2-3 times per year. Bonuses are easily obtained, I got a bonus the first quarter I worked, even while learning the system and requirements. The schedule is flexible, all self scheduled, and compensation is above the national average. It was the best decision I ever made was to work for them. When was the last time you got to spend up to and hour with a patient discussing their health?

i just got hired with this company to do just this very same job and I'm so excited! The pay is phenomenal!! I have friends who are in their second year of being a nurse practitioner in a primary clinic in my area and making 12,000 less than I do. And they spend hours on the weekend catching up on charting!! No thanks. I've done these assessments with a smaller company on a letdown basis before and it really can be. Wet rewarding.


I'm contemplating a Regional NP for house calls with United Healthcare. Are you a regional traveler? Do you know about that position. I'm in the North East. Thanks

Specializes in Transition nursing and couplet care.

I will be a contractor with Optum working from home. I will actually be working for Lifehealth, but Optum contracts them and the federal government is contracting Optum. Hopefully it will be good. I will be a telephonic triage nurse.

Hi there! I wanted to check if you decided to work with United as a Regional NP. I have a interview scheduled for Monday

Hi there lesjoniNP, RN, APN! I wanted to check if you decided to work with United as a Regional NP. I have a interview scheduled for Monday

Do you happen to know how the NP's that work in the LTC's feel about their workload/pay?

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