Anyone work for a hospital owned by Ardent


Specializes in Fall prevention.

The hospital I work at has just been bought by Ardent. Here is what I know they are for profit and my hospital was a non profit which worries me. What I want to know is are they really nurse friendly or are they like all other for profit and the bottom line is the dollar which would mean higher patient to nurse ratios and small raises and so on and so on

Specializes in ICU.

When I first started working at my hospital a few years ago (I was a CNA then), it was owned by Ardent. My hospital is now a public city trust. This hospital loses money. It was potentially going to be closed when Ardent was done; thank goodness my city stepped up to keep us open and serving our patients.

That's really my only experience with Ardent. I wasn't a nurse yet then, so I can't speak to those questions of yours. I did have excellent benefits with Ardent. And they gave me my first job in healthcare! :) Ardent owns another hospital in my city still and it has a gorgeous new cardiology addition. It has a good reputation. A few fellow nursing students from my class got new grad jobs there and seem very happy.

What I want to know is are they really nurse friendly or are they like all other for profit and the bottom line is the dollar which would mean higher patient to nurse ratios and small raises and so on and so on

Why would they be any different from any of the other for-profit chains? Their primary goal is to make as large a profit as possible for their shareholders; they are legally obligated to do so, and can get sued by their shareholders if they don't do everything they legally can to maximize their profits. By definition, "the bottom line is the dollar" at for-profit institutions.

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