Published Jul 7, 2007
431 Posts
Since I just figured out my plan of action I'm wondering if anyone else is waiting until fall 2008 to apply? I could really use some encouragement....
69 Posts
If all goes as planned, I would start July 09. I am going to the school mon to look around and get all the info on the application process.
135 Posts
I am waiting until 2009 at the earliest. We have 3 almost 4 kids (due in Sept.). When I start nursing school my 2 youngest will have to go to daycare. I have yet to figure out how we are going to afford it. I am hoping by 2009 we can otherwise I will have to wait longer. I also didn't want to put the new baby in daycare until he was at least two anyways.
Wow, congrats on your soon to be new addition! how exciting! after having my first i can't wait to have another...
I'll share with you some words of encouragement that another poster shared with me in another thread. they said the years are going to go by whether i'm taking classes or not so might as well make the most of it. this made me feel so much better about having to take 1 class at a time. I hope it helps you as well!
Thanks 3rdgen. I know its going to take me awhile but at least doing it slowly I won't feel so overwhelmed. I will save that for nursing school.:)
NYC Nurse Wannabe
47 Posts
Irene joy
243 Posts
I have been taking classes and knocking out pre-reqs since 2004. My original plan was to enter nursing school in the fall of 2007, but it turns out my youngest is not ready for kindergarten this coming fall. So, she will be in a different pre-school then my sons elementary school and it would be way to hard to be in nursing school this coming year. I would be worringing about who would pick them up mid day at different schools and then take them to day care. It really made sense for our family to wait till fall 2008. The motto of time passing no matter what, was what kept me motivated these last couple years, but it does get old when people ask you, so when are you done with school?, and I have to tell them I still have'nt started the program yet! Sorry so this was so long, I just really relate!
Irene I can relate. It's hard knowing that I have to wait but at the same time I know that it is best for myself and my family. Thanks for all of the encouragement everyone.
I feel the same way. People just don't understand that nursing isn't like some other majors where there are nurmerous classes you can take to fill a specific requirement. You have to take certain classes in a certain order and when you're chipping away at it one class at a time...i've learned to ignore and try to laugh it off. it will be worth it in the end.
Yes I am. I am taking A&P1 this fall 2007 at BMCC in the NYC. Then I will have A&P2 and micro left. I am taking Micro in the fall 2008. So, I am in the same boat. I will be starting my clinicals in the spring of 2009. It seems so far away, but it's really not. At least we have started, some of my friends have not started their pre-clinicals yet. I am looking forward to spring 2009, it's going to change our lives.....for the best though;)
Sounds sort of like my schedule...I'm taking child psych and public speaking this fall and then that leaves only my sciences...a&p 1 in the spring, a&p2 next fall, micro the spring after that (while I'm waiting to hear if I got accepted)....i figure if I don't end up getting accepted into the nursing program i'll have more that enout science classes under my belt to become a science teacher!!
I also figure while I am waiting I can get my non-nursing classes that you would normally take during the nursing school out of the way. That way when I do get accepted I can focus just on nursing school and my family.
That's what I'm doing and why it's taking me so darn long...