Anyone taking classes in North Lake college at Irving, Tx??

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


I am currently taking the Development class, how about you??

Specializes in Operating Room.

Our denial letters said ECC had 50 seats with a 4.0 and a 4.0 on 9 support credits & NLC had 50 seats with a 4.0 with 6 support credits with a 2.5 GPA.

There were 15 that had 4.0's that didn't get accepted, and 15 that had 3.77's with all of their support courses completed, then all those that fell below that.. (A total equalling 274 applicants per our letter).

Yeah, that is why my first choice is DCCCD instead of TCC or Colling County because of the extra classes. But since I thought the question was about NLC, it's not required :) If I don't get in on my first try, I will probably take Chem, Nutrition and Statistics because I eventually want my BSN anyway, and it will allow me to apply to more programs.

Spring 06 only took 6 hours? Hmm, the lady at the session said the last person at ECC had 10 and the last person at NLC had 9. Either way, I want to make sure I have all my bases covered! I cannot wait! It seems so far away...

Are you taking Govt to get your BSN eventually?


Specializes in OR Internship starting in Jan!!.

Ahh. Well, she was speaking without notes, so maybe she didn't remember exactly. I plan to have 13 hours of support classes, so I should be good!

Did you take Algebra in a classroom? I'm taking Algebra right now online, and it is not as easy as I thought it would be! We have a test on Monday, so I am trying to study this weekend.

Specializes in Operating Room.

I originally took it several years back, not to go to NLC/ECC's program, and made a B on the online program.

So, obviously, I didn't get accepted and retook it online again during this past Winter-mester. I made an A this time. :balloons:

I worked my tail end off though, working lots and lots of problems, etc, and made an A on my midterm and a B on the final. I passed the course with a 93. :eek: It was too close for comfort, but an A is an A. :balloons: :balloons:

So, now I'm applying with a 4.0. I had all my support courses completed with a English class was a B from 1992/3. I took Music appreciation during the Fall semester and made an A. This time I've applied with a 4.0/4.0. If I don't get in this time, my application must have been lost on the way from the receptionist's desk to the bin...two steps away! :uhoh21: (I hand delivered at ECC.) :chuckle

Ahh. Well, she was speaking without notes, so maybe she didn't remember exactly. I plan to have 13 hours of support classes, so I should be good!

Did you take Algebra in a classroom? I'm taking Algebra right now online, and it is not as easy as I thought it would be! We have a test on Monday, so I am trying to study this weekend.


Specializes in ante/postpartum, baby RN.

Unfortunately I am not a full time student because I work, I still have left A&P I and II, micro, statistc, chemistry :(

I want to take the summer micro class at NL. Can't wait. ;)


Specializes in OR Internship starting in Jan!!.

Sounds like they'd be crazy not to take you :) I'll be stalking the message boards after the 15th while you wait for your letter! In October, I will probably be one of those people stalking the mailman :)

I'm going to try to take A&P II in the summer, but I'm a little nervous about it. It seems like a lot of information in just a few weeks! If all goes according to plan, I'm taking Micro in the Fall and then I will have all of my support classes finished.

I am taking Biology class this Fall. Anybody in NL??

Specializes in OR Internship starting in Jan!!.

Which biology class?

Biology 1406, I wanted to enroll to A&P I , but they told me that I need to take first that biology :(

how about you?

Hi Polska, of course you already know I attend NorthLake. Hi fellow DFW-ites!

Specializes in OR Internship starting in Jan!!.

Good luck to you! I am taking A&P II.


I am a current student at NLC. I will be taking HPRS 1204-7429 (Basic Health Profession Skills), SCIT 1407-7512 (Applied Anatomy & Phys I) and Cultural Studies (elective- part of the Humanities options) next Fall 09 semester. I am trying to take as many classes as possible before enrolling in the Nursing program. I plan to have 30 some hrs completed before enrolling- I still need to work full time for a while, so this will help me at least in the first semester of the program, granted I'm accepted :)... Good luck in your classes and take care!!

Best wishes


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