Published Oct 16, 2009
3 Posts
hi I'm a nurse from the philippines, I applied for registration in CRNBC but they are requiring me to take SEC. I'm aware that I need to get a temporary resident visa. But can anyone please tell me how to prepare for SEC? and does anyone pass it? or everybody has to go through taking classes and updates? By the way can I work as LPN while waiting for the result? Is it hard to convert my "tourist visa" to working visa? Thanks and God Bless
loriangel14, RN
6,931 Posts
If you have a good read in the International Forum you will find a sticky at the top on SEC assessment. You will not be able to work as an LPN while waiting for the result and you cannot change a tourist visa to a work visa while in the country. This must be done after you return to your own country.
thanks for your reply, but can i change it to student visa, just in case they required me to take classes
81 Posts
If you will be given a Temporary Resident Visa you can take a short course. But thats all within the 6 month time frame given to you by the immigration (upon entry)... But to answer your question you cannot change your status from tourist to student you have to go back to the Philippines for proper filling of your visa.
Silverdragon102, BSN
1 Article; 39,477 Posts
moved to the International forum
You have to go back to your own country before you can change your visa to a student one. You cannot change it once you are already here.