Anyone still waiting to hear for fall?

Nursing Students General Students


Is anyone else still waiting to hear if they got in to their program for fall?

We asked the program secretary this week when we could expect to hear, and all she would tell us was "by the end of the month." She wouldn't say if that was when letters were being mailed, the decision was being made, or when we would hear. :rolleyes:

I guess I'm just impatient, but I'd really like to know what I'll be doing come September! ;)


waiting...waiting...waiting... :p

I guess I am kind of in your situation. I just sent in my app to start attending college. I had attended right out of high school, and am done with all my generals. Now 10 years later, I have decided what I want to do!

I am married with 3 children, going back to school, and really freaked out over it! I have to take a few pre req's before I can actually start the BSN program, but I am still waiting a response from my app. Ugh. I am so impatient!

Good luck!

Well I am fortunate because I have gotten my reply in June and now preparing for school in august. I will be moving to Tampa next week and I have a whole lot of work to do like setting up my apartment. I also need some jeans and tops for school. My Orientation will be on the 20th August so I wont have much time at hand. I am an international Student from Jamaica!!

I received my acceptance letter at the beginning of July for a community college in PA. It's an ADN program, but at age 36 I am scared to death that I am not making the right decision. I was so nervous waiting for that letter, and when I finally got it I was so excited....but now I am so nervous I make myself sick every day.

Anyone else having a case of "nervous Nellie" syndrome?

I'm also married with three kids and returning to school after many years away. I finished my A.A. last quarter (I only needed one more class--I don't know why I didn't do it before!) and I'm taking my last quarter of A&P right now. Most of the people in my A&P are also waiting to hear. Other than finishing this quarter in A&P, I have nothing else to take before going into nursing. If I don't make it in for fall, I'll have to wait and apply for spring. :o


I found out about my acceptance in April. I recently got my registration packet. The packet is a waste of paper, because my program is in the process of changing their cirriculum. The packet had a letter listing the books to buy and the classes to registar for. When I contacted the school they said I could not registar until the program was set up. The books on the list are all 2000 and 2001 editions, so I will proably have to buy new books instead of new. I plan on buying my books after I attended orientation on the 15th of Aug.


At our university, you are pretty much accepted into what they call pre-clinicals from the start. The big thing is to get through your pre-req's with a C minimum and then get accepted into the clinical area.

I just got my acceptance letter into clinicals. Even though I'm not quite through with my pre-reqs yet, This is the last semester for them and I'll be done with those (finally!).

I'm really excited about getting into clinicals, except I still have the other core req's for the college (foreign language, world lit etc), but I've got three more years to get those. I'll probably do all of those over the summer sessions so I can concentrate on my clinicals.

Good luck to all of those that are waiting. It's kind of like waiting to see if Santa is going to bring you what you want for Christmas!! LOL!:D

Originally posted by Marianne518

I received my acceptance letter at the beginning of July for a community college in PA. It's an ADN program, but at age 36 I am scared to death that I am not making the right decision. I was so nervous waiting for that letter, and when I finally got it I was so excited....but now I am so nervous I make myself sick every day.

Anyone else having a case of "nervous Nellie" syndrome? [

/QUOTE] Hi, Marianne...yes, I'm having a case of self-doubt this week...believe me, it passes. I'm 37 and have one semester of nursing school...even making beds was nerve-wracking at first, but I think this is more common w/ "older" students...perhaps because we have less time for making mistakes or correcting them? maybe because we have families and know the real meaning of responsibility? I don't know for sure, but I believe the waves of fear, tempered with waves of confidence, are completely normal...good-luck, and don't give up!

Originally posted by Marianne518

I received my acceptance letter at the beginning of July for a community college in PA. It's an ADN program, but at age 36 I am scared to death that I am not making the right decision. I was so nervous waiting for that letter, and when I finally got it I was so excited....but now I am so nervous I make myself sick every day.

Anyone else having a case of "nervous Nellie" syndrome? [

/QUOTE] Hi, Marianne...yes, I'm having a case of self-doubt this week...believe me, it passes. I'm 37 and have one semester of nursing school...even making beds was nerve-wracking at first, but I think this is more common w/ "older" students...perhaps because we have less time for making mistakes or correcting them? maybe because we have families and know the real meaning of responsibility? I don't know for sure, but I believe the waves of fear, tempered with waves of confidence, are completely normal...good-luck, and don't give up!

I am working on my ADN and I received my acceptance into clinicals back in May ( I start in August also). At my school they will sometimes send acceptance letters out well into the middle of August for that same semester. This is because of the waiting list for clinicals and if they call someone who is not ready (pre-req's or GPA) they skip and go to the next. It must be hard waiting, I hope you hear something soon!!!!

I am like most of you. I am so nervous about starting. I got my acceptance letter in April and I can't believe it is almost here. I have 2 orientation meetings to go to next month and I start on Aug. 27th. Good luck to you all who is waiting for your acceptance letter. :)

Thanks, rn2003. I'm not on a waiting list or anything (not yet, anyway!) -- they haven't sent *anyone* notification yet! :rolleyes: I keep going back and forth thinking I'm almost certainly getting in to thinking I'm not. The advisor told me this spring that she'd be surprised if I didn't get in (our program is a point system where you get X number of points for every pre- and co-requisite completed. The top 44 get into the program). I have a pretty high point total, far above the number it has *ever* taken to get into the program, but they had a large number more applicants this year than they ever had.

I'll let you all know when I find out -- hopefully sometime this week! :)


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