Anyone still subscribe to nursing journals?


Specializes in Ambulatory Case Management, Clinic, Psychiatry.

I did a threat search for 'best nursing journals' and pretty much every thread that came up is 5+ years old..

I know I can get info online, but there is so much that it is overwhelming.. i like the idea of a select group of topics/articles being delivered to me every month or so

Any thoughts? if you do subscribe, to which one?

i work in ambulatory care (mostly primary care in rheumatologY) but am interested in possibly moving to cardiac or ED at some point

Specializes in OR, Nursing Professional Development.

I subscribe to my specialty journal (well, it's free with the membership dues), and that's it. Beyond that, I can look up articles in the hospital's library database access or relevant ones are shared by management. Also, there are many journals that have online extras, including my own specialty one that I get a paper copy of.

Specializes in Med Surg/ICU/Psych/Emergency/CEN/retired.
I did a threat search for 'best nursing journals' and pretty much every thread that came up is 5+ years old..

I know I can get info online, but there is so much that it is overwhelming.. i like the idea of a select group of topics/articles being delivered to me every month or so

Any thoughts? if you do subscribe, to which one?

i work in ambulatory care (mostly primary care in rheumatologY) but am interested in possibly moving to cardiac or ED at some point

I am retired but still receive The Journal of Emergency Nursing, which comes with membership to the Emergency Nurses Association. I really like the Journal which comes out six times a year. Before I retired, I belonged to the American Association of Critical Care Nurses (AACN), which included two journals, Critical Care Nurse (mostly review articles,) and The Journal of Critical Care, a research based journal. I also subscribed to the American Journal of Nursing for many years. I not familiar with other specialties (cardiac or neuro, for example) but know that information re: journals is easily accessible online. Try google or ask colleagues. Do you have access to an academic setting? A librarian there could be a resource too.

Specializes in Nursing Professional Development.

I get the paper issues of the journals associated with the nursing organizations I belong to. As for other journals -- I have online access to a university library: so, I can access professional journals there. I often download, save, and even print PDF's of the articles most pertinent to projects I am working on.

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