Anyone Stationed at Fort Hood?


Hey, received orders for for hood for CNTP. Has anyone has experience working at the hospital as a nurse? How is their CNTP program?

I am going there as well!!! When is your BOLC date?

I was at Hood for a long time...Hood is only what you make of it, it IS not horrible. CRDAMC has a new hospital in the works. Kinda jelly you guys get to break it in!

Glad to have some positive feed back. I was afraid for a second because no one I know wants to go there and I have heard of a lot of bad experiences.

Killeen isn't great....but Austin is sorta close which makes life better.

Glad to have some positive feed back. I was afraid for a second because no one I know wants to go there and I have heard of a lot of bad experiences.

Well..Killeen/Harker Heights and Cove are a small area with a growing population. BLORA is nice, but drive to Temple lake park (civillian side) for a better and more peacful experience

CRDAMC delivers roughly 300-350 babies a month, sometimes a little more or less.

Heavy deployment rotations, although it has calmed down since ops in Iraq ceased. Theres a lot of communicable disease (where I first saw all of them in their glory and harshness lmao). You will see a little of everything on the clinical side. I have friends that are still stationed there.

The bad stuff? Well...thats every place, and the person that says otherwise is a blue falcon to the 'T'. Living wise? I would say if you can handle it and don't mind driving try Temple (maybe moonlight at Scott and White/children's hospital) or Gatesville and take the back way on to post (*Elijah road)

Parking at the hospital is a B...

The new hospital opens soon, barring any unforseen circumstance. Although it is the government lol

There are better places to get stationed and there are worse (Leonard Wood, Riley, Polk). Its all what you make it. I remembed when CRDAMC ED was a modular home lol (that was ONLY a few years ago)

Texas overall is really *different*. Not bad..not this sprawling white conservative gun totting place like you would think..although those areas do exist..

There are wineries, amusement parks, rivers, sky diving, ziplining etc all over within a few hours drive.

190 and I-35 are nuts! People drive like maniacs.

What else you wanna know?

When I left we had 1 CAV, 3 Cav Reg (formerly 3ACR), Division West, and several smaller elements. 3 Corps HQ is at Hood, but..3 Corps comprises more of than just Hood.

Hood is also a big mobilization site for NG and Reserves.

I always called it a social experiment place, the family memebers can be a PITA and the SMs either really need help or really wanna avoid PT (thats the ED side of the house). You will never see so many 19 year olds with 2 or 3 kids in your life ever. (If that offends somebody sorry, but, its true). The family dynamics on Hood are perplexing at best a lot. And no, its not always because of deployment. I was there from 01-07, then from 07 until Jan 2014 as a civillian.

What else you wanna know? :)

Specializes in Field Medical Trauma.

I figured I would jump in on this thread and ask where the most coveted places to be stationed at are? (in you're own opinion)

Navy and Army installations are what im looking for but I guess if an Air force candidate were to drop in, they might want to know where the most popular places to be stationed at are currently located.

^ tough question.

Do you value being close to family? Living abroad or valuable experience?

Fort Lewis

Fort Carson

Fort Richardson

Fort Bragg (for some odd reason)



Walter Reed for medical types

Great info hollylynn14. I am concerned mostly with the workload and hours. Will I only work night and weekend shifts because I am a soldier? How easy would it be for me to get into l&d after CNTP? What are my chances of staying in the hospital after CNTP?

Actually my experience at that time was that civilians and military shared weekend and night duty. Even when I think back to delivering my babies there, I didn't have 1 mil nurse. Only a mil 91W who took vitals one time.

As far as working L&D: thats a tough question.

Triage (Check in is what it really is) was handled by LVNs (who were mostly civilians at that time), and then the nurses on the floor I barely ever saw.

You will work with a lot of new CNMs. Which is...scary at times.

The general population with uncomplicated pregnancies are not seen by an OB, but by a CNM.

The biggest problem is that mil/depend is that they choose to see 1 CNM for prenatal care only to be delivered by another. When I was there, there was no LDRP rooms, although now that has changed and likely the schedules did too.

You have the website right?

Carson is not what it used to be and I would rather eat my eyeball with a fork than to ever go back

Schofield was expensive.

And JBLM (Lewis) is a work in progress.

I would love to try Reed ;)

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