Anyone Staffed Strikes?

Specialties Travel


Have any travellers staffed strikes? As a former traveller, I am looking into this...I still need some excitement/change. What was it like? What companies? Any info would be helpful. Thanks.



Originally posted by nurseyperson:

Have any travellers staffed strikes? As a former traveller, I am looking into this...I still need some excitement/change. What was it like? What companies? Any info would be helpful. Thanks.

The company "Fastaff" does strikes there out of Colorado #1 800 743 6877 I've talked to a guy named "Jeff". pj

How can you think that staffing a strike is exciting? The only reason non-union staff make what they do is because of the sacrifices of their union sisters and brothers. I'd prefer if we didn't need unions but it's apparent we do thanks to your selfish and greedy attitude SCAB!

It is hard to believe you would find staffing a striking hospital EXCITING!

Usually nursing unions strike because the conditions at the hospital they are working are dangerous to both the patients and the nurses. We do not walk out for No reason.

Id scrub floors and wash dishes somewhere before i would cross a picket line of nurses.

I am in agreement with the other negative posts. What a ludicrous statement/question Nurseyperson has made. If you're looking for excitement maybe you should go work an inner city ER where you can see the direct effects of gun violence and how well drinking and driving mix. Better yet be a mercenary in a foreign country where a civil war is raging. That would be exciting, eh ? Actually you would be a mercenary as you would be working only for your own personal gain and no other reason except the "rush" of crossing the picket line. How sad ! The nurses that are on strike are there for a reason but obviously you don't care about that. I have been a nurse a long time and have done many things but being a scab is not one of them. I would rather work at Walmart. There are easier ways to make money...

It's a difficult and painful decision for nurses to strike; in most instances, they are trying to obtain solutions for nightmarish staffing conditions and quality of care issues. They are often up against arrogant bottom line managed care systems. Nurses that effect change through organizing benefit all nurses and deserve our support. It's inconceivable to me how anyone could undermine these brave nurses' efforts by working as a strikebreaker. We have to stick together for our patients and eachother.

I used the wrong word, excitement. No, I don't think crossing the picket line is exciting. But going to different parts of the country and seeing new things, that is, and if you have never travelled, you have no idea.

Everyone has their right to their opinion. But tell me something. What are strikes for, if not (in part) to better your pay, benefits, working conditions? Is that not selfish and greedy? And who in the world do you expect to take care of the poor patients that are unfortunate enough to be in the hospital at the time of the strike? Managers who haven't done bedside nursing for years? Administration? HA HA! What if the patient was your family? Wouldn't you want experienced nurses taking care of them? Or do you say, "too bad, we are on strike for more money, you don't have anyone to take care of you. You shouldn't have had a heart attack now." HA!

I do what nurses are supposed to do. Take care of patients. And the hospital will have to pay big time for that to the nurses and the staffing companies. And the more they have to pay, the sooner they will want to settle. We take care of the patients so you can do what you think you need to. I personally wouldn't want a union telling me when to strike or what to do. You are simply under their control, and I have heard plenty of stories about the union not backing what nurses Really want.

If some of you would rather work at Walmart or wash dishes, that is fine. You must not be the breadwinner in the family.

And what about crossing picket lines? Are you saying it would be dangerous? Then you are saying you are violent!!!!!! What a nurse. As angry as you all sound, I wouldn't want yout taking care of me in the first place!!!!



[This message has been edited by nurseyperson (edited June 01, 2000).]

I read both sides of this issue and what popped into my mind is that in business do you think one company would not take advantage of the situation? I see a money making opportunity by travel nurses...Each of us needs to make our own choices...I agree with the thought process of "team work" but each player usually goes to the highest bidder in sports, seems reasonable to me.I think it's high time that nurses get paid what they are worth- do watch you have to do to get it! Good Luck

pday, you point out some good thoughts on issues.#3) comparison to business...if nurses don't start thinking with their brains instead of hearts they will always be paid poorly. You can still be fantastic at the bedside, caring-compassionate and yet expect to be paid well...the two are not mutually exclusive.I value what I do/who I am/my expertises, I expect to be compensated-and have always recieved it. You get what you pay for.As far as the public's level of trust...we have little control or we wouldn't work short etc and our patients would get the care(our time/teaching etc)instead we put a bandaid on it.#4)Solidarity??in nursing? yeah that's why we eat our young/go into administration/ and our ANA etc has had so much influence???We've made that impact, changes so far! Not! I look at it like this; they've got nothing I want(Admin)and I have everything they NEED(patient's to be cared for). I just make'em pay for it/laugh all the way to the bank!

Again I ask, (no one has come up with a good answer) Who takes care of the patients in the hospital during a strike? I really don't know, if it isn't for scabs. Who? Can your conscious really let you abandon those patients?

If the strike were in my area and/or my hospital, NO, I would not cross the picket line if I knew there would be experienced nurses to take care of MY patients. And all the patients in my unit are MY patients. But in a totally different part of the United States, Yes, I would, because I would be one of the experienced nurses that they can depend on.

And as I said, I have heard many negative things about strikes, that they don't actually support you on the things that you really want and need. I, for one, would not want to be told that I HAD to strike, make virtually no money and get what the union decides to settle for.



Lita, Do you mean to say you 'cut your own deals' regarding your pay? Tell us more.

Nurseyperson; I believe unions that represent nurses have bylaws that require voting by rank and file members in order to strike, usually a 2/3 majority. Members also have to vote to accept a contract (it's that old democracy thing I wrote about earlier.) Would management be able to play hardball if it couldn't staff with strikebreakers? I don't know. I agree with you about the ANA; they apparently don't have the will to get into the trenches and help resolve the issues that are driving RNs away from the bedside.

Whoops, it was Lita that made the ANA comment, sorry for the confusion.

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