Anyone had to do a pediatic assessment?


Specializes in Agency/HomeCare.

Hello I am in my second semester of the LVN program and am finishing up summer session I. Summer session II will be maternity and pediatrics and couplet care. For pediatrics, we have to write like this novel for a pediatric assessment to include table of contents! We have to like watch someone else's child (can't use your own) and report on everything from their health, to how they play, motor development,etc.. and the evironment that they live in-to include snooping in their medicine cabinets looking at the meds, seeing if there are any safety issues in the home etc. I already have a victim neighbor who will allow me to do this but my question anyone doing or has been asked to do anything remotely like this, and if so DO YOU HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS like some references online or books to help? We have a peds book that barely says anything...any help would be greatly appreciated! thanks so much.

Specializes in Family Nurse Practitioner.

It sounds like they have you doing a full 5-dimensional assessment care plan, very cool. Have you done one of them before? I have a fairly simple Peds table I did on a kid last year that might help you get started with the actual inverview but it probably isn't indepth enough for your assignment. I'd love to send you my entire care plans because I rocked them but we were forbidden to share our completed work. PM me if you would like me to email the Peds table to you.

You might want to look online for a used older edition Peds book also. usually has them really cheap.

P.S. are you a veteran or a veterinarian? :)

Specializes in Agency/HomeCare.

Wow! what a fast reply! Thanks for your response Jules A. Oh I'm an army veteran, I was a medic :o). I would LOVE to have any assistance...peds table, anything. I don't really need a care plan. It's more of an observation to figure out if the child is meeting standard growth and development to include gross and fine motor skills, general health, sleep and rest needs, nutrition, emotional development, psychosocial development, social dev, and safe environment. Then when we assess how they do the above, we have to see how thecy compare to the acceptable standards. I guess I'd have to know the right questions to ask. To me it's like an RN admissions assessment sort of. Oh is PM some way to send an instant message? or maybe private mail? maybe I'll mess around with this site to see what you meant...thanks a MILLION.

"I always appreciate the kindness of strangers!"


Specializes in Agency/HomeCare.

p.s. Jules A, no I've never done one before!

Check out your public health units for the handouts they give to Mums on child development. Fast, easy reads that let you know what to expect at each age group (ie: where speech, motor skills should be).

I used them when I had to do the assessment back in my training days. My boys hated being my "lab rats".

Specializes in Agency/HomeCare.

Fiona, thanks for your response. When you say 'public units' do you mean like the local Health Department? If so, that's a great idea. Thanks so much. I detect an "English accent" from the way you write! :p

Your neighbours to the Great White North. We still stay public health up here. They do the "well baby clinics", some offer informal groups for Mums & Tots where you can go for a playgroup for the kids and an info session on a topic relating to your age group.

Their leaflets are really informative, without the medical terms, and general enough that you don't think you're raising a future axe-murder. lol.

Scot, not English.

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