Anyone Out There Taking Chemistry?


Hello Everyone

I would like to know is anyone out there taking Chemistry? I will be taking Chemistry this Fall along with Life Span Development. I would like to know how I would go about studying for Chemistry? I went to the Library the other day and I took out some books on Chemistry. I have been reading them so that I can get the feel on what is involved in taking the course.

If there is anyone out there who could assist me I would very much appreciate it. Thank you


Specializes in Psych/Mental Health.

The key to chem is doing problems. Read the text first and make sure you understand the concepts and each example, then go through the problems once *without* looking back to the book or other references (as if you're doing a test). While you're doing the problems, mark down the ones that you are not sure about (even if you're only a little unsure, mark it). Correct yourself and read the steps in the answer solutions (yes, absolutely buy the answer solutions book) or the book for all problems whether you got them right or wrong. Re-do the ones you are unsure about and the ones you got wrong. Continue marking the ones you're still unsure about then correct again, and re-do. In total, I would do the each problem set 3 times, but each times I would need to do fewer problems.

Use youtube or other sources to clarify concepts that you don't understand.

For me Chemistry was a struggle. Typically, I don't have to put much work behind Science courses. They seem to come very easily to me. Chemistry, however, seemed to require a lot more work. I did pull off an A, however, it was because I scored well on the final.

I don't know what your class involves exactly. The class I took had a combination of General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry and BioChemistry. I found that I needed a different study method for each.

For General Chem, make sure you know your conversions (g to mg, mg to mcg, etc... ) and work on your math! Take comfort in knowing it IS actually useful in Nursing School, for drug calcs, etc. You defiantly want a strong foundation for this reason. As another poster said, drawing out what your reading, hearing, etc will really help. It was difficult for me to grasp the concept of something that was so tiny it was impossible to see....

If Organic Chemistry is involved, there is no math (GOOD NEWS! :) ) but my advice here is draw, draw, draw, draw!! Know how to draw and name your compounds forwards and backwards and you'll be fine. It's super confusing at first, but I honestly loved it once I had it all figured out.

BioChem is honestly fairly easy, especially if you've taken Physiology. It seemed to be mostly memorization.

Hope this helps some! :) Good luck!

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