Published Jul 14, 2010
20 Posts
I need some advice. I start at Chamberlain's accelerated BSN program in October, and I've really been stressing about it. Im going to be a first time college student and I am really nervous because I have no idea what college life is like!! The school is very pricey which means I'm going to have a lot of loans. I feel that my financial advisor is no help. I have requested a new one and I've gotten no response. What should I do about that? And also if any of you have already been through this program before i have a few questions.
1) What was your first semester like?
2) How are the instructors?
3) How many hours a week did you spend studying?
4) How many hours were you able to work a week and still be able to manage doing homework?
5) What supplies did you buy for your first semester?
6) What things did you find to come in handy? (such as things you did to keep you energized, stress free as possible, or things that helped you study)
7) Where can i find a place to purchase cheap books?
8) Do you feel that a PDA/iphone/ipod touch is necessary?
And finally
9) What kind of school bag do you prefer?
Sorry this thread is so long and that there are a lot of questions, but like I said I'm freaking out about this and any advice or answers will help!! Thank you :)
260 Posts
I do not have all the answers to your questions, but I am starting at Chamberlain-STL in Oct as well. I have been to college however and finished up some of my basic courses already. I can tell you from experience, going to Chamberlain will not give you the normal College experience you would get with going to a CC or Uni.
My cousin just started there last week, and is loving it so far. She also has a couple friends who have been in the program (one about to graduate) and they all have positive things to say. Hearing that made me feel a lot better about my choice since the nursing programs in this area are so competitive! :)
As for your financial advisor, I have found that the staff tends to stay focused on one incoming class at a time. You will probably have better luck in a few weeks when they move on to our class, and summer newcomers are all taken care of. Lots of time between now and October! :)
Thanks JustDeena! It seems like there is a lot of time between now and October but the months just seem to keep flying by!! And thats what is making me really nervous becuase I dont feel I am prepared!!
Silverdragon102, BSN
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