Anyone going or graduated Sinclair Dayton,Oh?


lpn-rn. i have just enrolled for spring at sinclair and i am taking bio 211 and some online classes. was wondering if anyone one here would be in my one class with me?:yeah: also, wondered if anyone knows how long it will take to finish the program going full-time straight through? i was hoping for 1 and 1/2 to 2years max. some people are trying to scare me into thinking i should have gone to retz tech:down:.

i know that sinclair doesn't offer the nsg transition classes over the summer-so planning on taking a hand full of basic classes when the time comes. but will i have to wait to start the transition courses? i heard they only offer them a few times a year and have a hard time having enough pple to fill a class. is that all true? i hope not!


Specializes in Trauma,ER,CCU/OHU/Nsg Ed/Nsg Research.

Thread moved to Ohio forum to garner more responses to poster's questions.

Specializes in Med/Surg, Ortho, Rehab, ACU-Telemetry.

I graduated from SCC in December, 1991. I did all of my prerequisites first because I was married and had a 3-yr old, and also because I chose to do it that way. If your planning on going full-time, it's a two year program, so it will take you two years. I don't know anything about your situation (married, kids, etc), but it's a tough program, so you might want to reconsider going full-time. I know they have done some major changes since I went there. You have to take more classes. It's a great school. They have a very high % rate of passing the NCLEX also. Hope this helps. I also heard the RETS program wasn't all that good also.

Kathy (right now in the panhandle - for three more weeks :yeah:)

Specializes in Hospice.

Geez I'm tired of people blasting RETS that never went there.

Specializes in Cardiac, Med-Surg, ICU.
Geez I'm tired of people blasting RETS that never went there.

Unfortunately, people have their preconceived notions and believe the rumors. One day, RETS will have a better reputation, but they'll have to work for it. I graduated from RETS RN program last year and had no problems passing boards, as did 99% of my class. It just takes time.

Specializes in Hospice.

Glad to hear it. I'm starting the LPN course there in April and so far I've really only heard decent stuff about the school from people that did graduate from there, especially recently. I look forward to starting nursing school, I have high hopes for my education, but I'm really starting to get disgruntled with people who like to pass on the rumors about RETS without ever actually experiencing it. Sorry to whine, but that's my pet peeve. I think it's incredibly rude when I tell people I'm going to PN school at RETS and somebody says, "Oh, I heard they SUCK!!"!!!

Congratulations on your recent graduation!!

Specializes in Rehab, CICU, ICU Pulmonary, ER, OB.
lpn-rn. i have just enrolled for spring at sinclair and i am taking bio 211 and some online classes. was wondering if anyone one here would be in my one class with me?:yeah: also, wondered if anyone knows how long it will take to finish the program going full-time straight through? i was hoping for 1 and 1/2 to 2years max. some people are trying to scare me into thinking i should have gone to retz tech:down:.

i know that sinclair doesn't offer the nsg transition classes over the summer-so planning on taking a hand full of basic classes when the time comes. but will i have to wait to start the transition courses? i heard they only offer them a few times a year and have a hard time having enough pple to fill a class. is that all true? i hope not!


i was at sinclair for about 4 years waiting for the nursing program. i actually got called fairly quickly because i was tech-prep in high school and they get first priority, but because of being pregnant i turned it down twice and each time got bumped to the bottom of the list.

my advice to you is this: do everything you can before you get into the nursing program: eng 111 and 112, communications 206, bio 141,142,143 with the labs, bio 205 (micro) and lab, do your alh 103 and 104 (both are super easy classes so you can take them with a harder class). im not sure if you have any dev classes to get out of the way, but most of them are offered through the summer. also take psy 119, it gets two of the psy classes out of the way, its 5 credit hours but it's easy. i never studied and got a 98 in the class. also psych.. um the life span and human development is easy too, not much work involved in that one either.

i have worked at the valley for years and i will tell you, i think sinclair produces the most awesome nurses. i would rather work under a sinclair nurse than anyone, because of the clinical skills. i have worked with 1 rets nurse and she is awesome, too.

i am starting rets lpn program in april and plan to just go ahead a finish at rets for my rn because it's faster than going back to sinclair. like others have said, "you get out what you put in" so i plan on utilizing all my clinical skills plus what i have learned at mvh to become a great nurse. the down side to rets is the lack of organization. i think that it will get better once they get 'it' down, but my friends and the rn that graduated from rets said it's a good program, you just have to stay on top of things.

hope you enjoy sinclair! i love it when i was there, but the wait is just to long and i feel like i am getting too old to wait again! lol who is your prof this coming quarter?


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