Anyone here go through AMEDD OBC recently?


Just have a few questions if you don't mind.


I go in JAN. I am an E-7 and could probably answer any questions you have. I have been to SanAntoino to many times to count.

I have a few questions. I'm AD and currently considering on applying for the nursing program. What R my options? What do they tend to look for in applicants? what is the AVG rank that gets picked up for this program and TIS? What's the age limit for AD soldier's And what is a good GPA to have when getting considered for school?. Thank you for your time.

I have a few questions. I'm AD and currently considering on applying for the nursing program. What R my options? What do they tend to look for in applicants? what is the AVG rank that gets picked up for this program and TIS? What's the age limit for AD soldier's And what is a good GPA to have when getting considered for school?. Thank you for your time.

Have you been to this website for the Army Enlisted Commissioning Program (AECP) for nursing?

great website~

Specializes in ICU,CCU, trauma, oc med.
I have a few questions. I'm AD and currently considering on applying for the nursing program. What R my options? What do they tend to look for in applicants? what is the AVG rank that gets picked up for this program and TIS? What's the age limit for AD soldier's And what is a good GPA to have when getting considered for school?. Thank you for your time.

My understanding was that they usually get fewer qualified applications than the money that is allotted unless things have changed?


Any suggestions on apartment living? There are so many there!


Specializes in ICU,CCU, trauma, oc med.

Any suggestions on apartment living? There are so many there!


I am trying to find the same answer. Another officer on another forum in school now can help us as I was looking for furnished places. Hi Angie!

Hello there! I am also going in Jan to OBC RC. I have a question regarding weather that time of year. Is it very cold? I am from New England so no stranger to the cold but wondered what Texas is like in winter? See you there!

Specializes in ICU- adults, Flight RN peds/neo.
Hello there! I am also going in Jan to OBC RC. I have a question regarding weather that time of year. Is it very cold? I am from New England so no stranger to the cold but wondered what Texas is like in winter? See you there!

It can be cold. I just got back (nov 25th).

It was 39 degrees on several mornings......which is not that cold when you are inside. But, 39 is rather chilly when you are standing outside on the FOB at attention in the dark or riding in the back of a 5 ton, or doing combatives---everything is outdoors at camp..... a few nights the tent heat didn't work for most areas (in the tent), people slept in their hats, long underwear and pt gear, and were still cold. During the day it is beautiful....

Bring or buy undergarmets, hats, gloves......


Even for those used to northern winters, Texas can be "cold" in the winter time. It is not always so much the temperature that is the problem, but the CHANGE in temperature... any time you go from 60+ in the day to 30- at night it FEELS cold. It is not uncommon in the winter time to have 30-40 degree changes in temperature between day and night.

Good luck,


Finishing up this week. Almost done...

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