Published Jul 2, 2005
Curious1alwys, BSN, RN
1,310 Posts
...if you did get certified as a nursing assistant in arizona, I would love to know details of the practical test. What did they have you do? I heard the written part is easy, but I worry about the hands-on.
I really want to get certified to start getting hospital experience (seems everyplace wants you to be certified) but I have forgotten lots of what I learned back last August when I took the CNA course. I think I would be so nervous trying to take it cold turkey now that I would fall apart!
Should I wait until school starts (NS) so I can brush up on the skills?
Calzonan RN
515 Posts
I got my CNA certification in December. I went through the Red Cross training program because all of the cc's had waiting lists. The RC program was great, but I don't think they have it anymore since CNA is no longer a requirement for admission into nursing school (starting Spr '06 semester). The Experior test was somewhat nerve wracking. You go in and take the written and then wait until someone calls you for the practical. They walk you back to a 'hospital' room and show you around and then you have to leave the room and act like you're going in to see a pt. I had to do BP first. The nurse had one of those dual steth.'s where she could listen to what I was listening to. Then I had handwashing. Then my two skills were transferring a pt from bed to a wheelchair and also partial bed bath. I think you have something like 20 minutes to complete all the skills and I ended up going over so I thought for sure I"d failed. One of the big things to remember on the transfer is to make sure the pt has two minutes after being sat up and then also, don't forget their slippers. I just talked to the pt. (who is one of those manequins) the whole time like they were real, told them what to expect and the nurse answered for them. I think they know you're nervous, the nurse I had was really nice. That's all I can remember other than you have to wait in the waiting room after for an envelope. If there's only white paper in there it means you passed!! (It's your two sheets of test results) Good luck!!
437 Posts
I had the same skills as the previous poster. It was nervewracking but what helps is when you get your test date they send you this sheet with the possible skills you might be tested on, and exactly what they are looking for when you are doing each skill.
If you can, get into a place like Healthsouth or Freedom Plaza where you don't have to be certified to get a job. You just have to get your certification within 3 months of getting hired, I think it is. Then you will have some hands on time before your state board comes up.
OMG, it is worse than I thought!:stone Wow, I don't know if I have it in me to do that right now. I'll have to think about it. Thanks for the info, that is exactly what I was hoping for!:)
Oh, I forgot to ask........
I printed off the application from the Az Board on Nursing, but there are no real clear instructions on what to do. Fill out the app and send what where? I thought you had to fill out the app, send it to the Az BON and then send something to Experior with your money and that the whole get certified........takes like, 6 months. Can you give me an idea on that. I wonder if I should send the stuff in now since school starts next week.??????
10 Posts
When I went to take the test at Experior, I had not filled out the application and did not officially have a test date. Instead, I waited for a slot to open (because someone didn't show up) and then gave them my application and payment right then and there. It cost me more money to do it that way, but I did not have the time to wait for my application to be processed and to be given a test date. For me it was the best way to go and I passed. Good luck.
P.S. If you decide to go that route, make sure you wear your scrubs, otherwise they won't let you test.
7 Posts
I thought it was pretty easy. They have a packet you can get with all the skills you might be tested on, and how to do each skill step by step. I just studied that really really hard. They pick three of those skills for the practical, plus handwashing and a skill called "indirect care" which is how you talk to the patient (i.e. introduce yourself, close curtain before beginning skill, talk through skill, etc.). My skills were feeding a patient, emptying a urinary drainage bag and positioning a patient on her side. You have to leave the room between each skill, and when you come in again you have to act like it's a totally new person (knock before entering, introduce yourself, close curtain, and wash hands). My tester was really nice and went out of her way to not make me feel nervous. It really turned out much better than I expected.
2 Posts
here's my first post.
I went and picked up a packet here at EAC from the Nursing Department for my stateboard exam (CNA). It had a lot of papers, including a sheet for my fingerprints. I have to get those done next week at the police dept. (Hoping for a cute cop):redbeathe. Anyways I was wondering if this was going to take awhile (The entire process of getting certified in AZ)? My certification that I have now is NM. It will be expiring 08/16/06. Should I be on top of this? How fast can I expect to get a date for my AZ CNA exams?
I would get to work on it right now if I were you. You probably can't get an Experior test date in time if you need to retake the skills and written test but you can go in as a walk-in. Make sure you get there really early to sign in and if someone doesn't show up, you get to take their place. It took me three days to get in that way, but I didn't have the time to wait for an appointment, I heard that can take at least a month. Good luck.