did anyone fail any of their nursing classes? (i'm going for RN)

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i'm doing it at a community college because of the money issue....but there is typically a wait list...what if i fail sometime during it...do i need to rewait? start over? can i just retake it next semester? do most people go through nursing school without failing a course? i believe the actual program is just 4 semesters of nursing (after the prereqs to get in)

It's defiintely not easy by any means. But I don't find the info hard at all .. what is hard for me is it is sooooo time consuming and your life. There is a ton of info in such a short time. I did great in all my classes so far and kinda surprised myself but you really feel good after.. . don't let fear get in your way. Be confident in knowing you really want this and study hard and practice all the time. Good luck!

hey my friend..

I know exactly how you feel. Because as a nursing student at a community college i went thru so much. But if you go in with the positive attitude you will be fine. In my case, actually the college that i went to has one of the most competitive nursing programs compared to all around the country.. But nursing it self is competitive and we all know that.. I actually failed my first semester unfortunately. but i actually worked really hard and the way my college made the exams were really hard. The strange thing was i knew everything, even my professor used to say, "how come you are doing bad in the exams, when you know this stuff". but i guess i had the test anxiety thing or this wasn't my time.. so my suggestion would be to stay positive, work hard and don't get discouraged. Don't forget, we crawled, we stumbled, we fell, we got hurt and then we learned how to walk..life is a process.. if you know that you want to be a nurse, you will be a nurse no matter what obstacles gets in ur way.. good luck!! :):)

Specializes in Mental Health.

oh gosh the memories :eek:

I ended up failing my first nursing semester. The really odd thing though was that in the class we had 5 exams. In the first I was a couple of points away from passing, the second I totally bombed, the third i passed, and the 4th and 5th I did really well on. Still I was walking into the final with a failing average. Oddly enough I got one of the highest grades on the final. BUT IMAGINE THIS....I was exactly one question short of passing the class. HOW EPIC WAS THAT?

I felt horrible, stayed in my room for like a month, almost turned into a caveman...[woman].

But one day I just slapped some sense into myself...picked up the pieces and returned to class the following semester to repeat the course (we are only allowed to repeat a course once at my school).

Overall in a weird way, I am kinda glad that I failed because it helped me improve my knowledge, skills, and overall mindset of nursing.

So remember whenever one door closes, another one is sure to open

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