Published Apr 1, 2012
36 Posts
I took the RN nclex this morning and got only 75 questions..I got the good pop up, but im still nervous about if I really passed! Wouldnt that pop up come up anyway because we cant retest for a full 45 days anyway?? Sorry I am prolly just overthinking..but Im so surprised it shut off at 75! I got alot of sata, and delegation, a few med, no math. And the last question i am sure i got right!
584 Posts
hey dont stress so much you passed! congrats!!!!!!!!
when i took nclex-rn (76 questions), i got the cc page and later found out i passed!
24 Posts
i was wondering the same yesterday when i took my nclex pn shut off at 86 and the minimum is 85 but was also sure i got the last question right but kept doing the pvt and still getting the pop up but trying to control all these wierd thoughts that keep goin in my head......also had lots of SATA, infection control, meds and no math......but we just need to keep thinking positive.....will pray for you...just keep praying.....
purplechicxiii, BSN, RN
429 Posts
hey dont stress so much you passed! congrats!!!!!!!!when i took nclex-rn (76 questions), i got the cc page and later found out i passed!
This is what I only heard PVT not being true , so far. But I never heard of getting the good pop-up and eventually failed. Try to relax and congrats!!
thanks everyone! Trying to stay positive! I tested sat,so im hoping to check my results on monday!
I checked my results today...PVT worked..I PASSED!! I am so relieved and excited to start the next chapter..start working as a nurse!! woohoo! All those hours at my desk paid off, thank God.. On a more personal note, my dad died a yr before I graduated at age 55 from diabetes and heart related problems(HF)he always said I was his personal nurse..I miss him alot but know he'd be happy for me. Thanks to allnurses, I really loved using this website..